The Reforms of Lord Cornwallis

Amisha Burnwal
2 min readJul 16, 2023


Lord Cornwallis, whose full name was Charles Cornwallis, was a prominent British statesman and military officer during the late 18th century. He is well-known for his military campaigns during the American Revolutionary War and his role as the British Governor-General of India. While Lord Cornwallis implemented several significant reforms, his most notable contributions can be attributed to his tenure as the Governor-General of India from 1786 to 1793. Here are some key reforms associated with Lord Cornwallis in India:

1. Permanent Settlement of Bengal: One of Cornwallis’s most significant reforms was the Permanent Settlement of Bengal in 1793. Prior to this, the East India Company collected revenues from landholders based on arbitrary assessments. Cornwallis introduced a system where the revenue was fixed for a specified period (typically 10 years) and would not be subject to arbitrary increases. This measure aimed to provide stability to the landowners and encourage agricultural investment. However, it had some negative consequences, such as the entrenchment of the zamindari system and the exploitation of tenant farmers.

2. Judicial Reforms: Cornwallis introduced important reforms in the judicial system of British India. He established the District Court system, dividing the country into several districts with English-trained judges presiding over them. This reform aimed to provide a more efficient and impartial administration of justice. Cornwallis also initiated the Cornwallis Code, which provided a comprehensive set of laws and regulations for the administration of justice. These reforms laid the foundation for the modern Indian legal system.

3. Administrative Reforms: Cornwallis implemented administrative reforms to enhance the efficiency and accountability of British India’s governance. He introduced a system of divisional commissioners to oversee revenue collection, law and order, and general administration in various regions. This helped streamline the administrative structure and improve coordination between different levels of government.

4. Military Reforms: During his time in India, Cornwallis also focused on strengthening the British military presence. He reorganized the East India Company’s forces, introduced better training methods, and improved military discipline. Cornwallis aimed to create a professional and disciplined army capable of protecting British interests in India.

5. Educational Reforms: While not as well-known as his other reforms, Cornwallis made efforts to promote education in India. He established the Sanskrit College in Benares (now Varanasi) and the Calcutta Madrasa, institutions aimed at providing education in Sanskrit and Islamic studies, respectively. Although these institutions had limited reach, they represented Cornwallis’s recognition of the importance of education in colonial India.

It is worth noting that while Lord Cornwallis implemented various reforms, his policies were often designed to serve British interests and maintain British control in India. The Permanent Settlement, for example, had long-term negative consequences for Indian farmers and contributed to the concentration of landownership in the hands of a few elites. Nevertheless, Cornwallis’s reforms had a lasting impact on the governance, legal system, and administration of British India.


