Rewriting a Blog Post (And How Often To Do It)

Amisha Pant
5 min readJan 20, 2023


content rewriter

No matter how evergreen your content is, it won’t always be current. Even the most evergreen blog posts require updates to survive online, a post requires an update to keep up in the market.

Rewriting and updating your posts whether it is blogs, articles, product descriptions, or any website content can actually be crucial to its success.

Why are these strategies so successful? And how frequently should blog posts be revised? The following information in this post will help you create even greener evergreen content.

Why to update an outdated blog post?

The ranking factor for new content depends on unique content that has informative and uniqueness to it. The information on your website will become stale over time. And google ranking stand on EAT guideline that is Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthy. The accuracy of your blog posts can be impacted by changes you make to your own product or service, industry advancements, and fresh ideas.

Updated content results in declining and dropping keyword rankings. Yes, you read it right outdated content can lead to drooping on your keyword.

We’ve discovered that keyword rankings start to decline after two years based on data from our work with three long-term clients. When an article or a blog post is published it got ranked after a period of time. Most articles reach their peak in six to twenty months but after that, your content becomes outdated as reason can be your competitors that had bring more relevant and new information to the source. Your website will become less visible in search engine results if you don’t update your outdated blog posts, whether they need only minor updates or full rewrites (SERPs). You’ll consequently miss out on organic traffic, leads, and sales.

How often should blog posts be updated or revised?

Updates should be made to blog entries that are older than a year. Aim for an update every 15 months at the very least.

Although regularly updating your blogs can strain your bandwidth, this frequency enables you to space out your updates (especially substantial rewrites) without risking a drop in your rankings.

If, one or two months after the publication date of your blog post, you notice a decline in your keyword ranking, don’t worry. The amount of time it takes to see noticeable results can range from three to six months, depending on how competitive the keyword is and aggressively your competitor is doing work in it. You don’t want to change your approach to SEO before you start winning, as it’s a long game.

Tips For Updating or Rewriting Blog Posts

It’s possible that many blog posts mature at the same time depending on the time posted. You must choose which blog posts to update first and how frequently once that 15-month mark has passed.

Here is a step-by-step tutorial to help you revamp your blog’s content and streamline your decision-making process.

1. Prioritize

Your priority should be the blog post that will have the biggest impact on your key performance indicators (KPIs), which are the metrics that help you achieve your business objectives if you have more than one blog post that needs to be updated.

The blog posts that drive the most traffic should be your top priority if your KPI is organic traffic.

Prioritize posts that generate more leads even if they receive less traffic if your KPI is your lead conversion rate.

2. Evaluate

Decide how much you’ll update your content once you’ve decided which post needs to be updated. There are different reasons for blog post updates, which include

· If you haven’t hit your primary keyword target or any keyword target at all, a rewrite or a completely reworked article is ideal to focus on the keywords. Rewrites can help you regain a spot-on Google’s front page.

· If your blog post continues appearing on the right SERP even though your keyword ranking has dropped, you need to add new content.

· If you have two blog posts that target the same keywords, you must combine them into one article. This results in keyword cannibalization, where your website starts to compete with itself and lowers the rankings for both posts.

3. Execute

Read your article again before making any updates to an older blog post. Then, to get a sense of how your blog post should appear after your update, take a look at the content that is currently ranking for your target keyword.

There are 3 ways to update a content

1. Rewriting by self (independently)

2. Hire a content writer to make changes and update

3. And employing a content rewriter tool for updating small to small content to your website.

A content rewriter tool is an AI-based tool that helps to rewrite content without any default with any copywriting issue (duplicate content). The advantage of content rewriters is that effortlessly rewrite content without much effort within a single click.

If you’re revising a blog post, concentrate on how you can modify your content to match the search intent of a keyword — the rationale behind the search that your audience is performing. If necessary, alter your article’s entire flow. And rewrite it with the ai content rewriter tool and then modify your content.

If you’re writing an addition, assess what it lacks by contrasting it with posts that have received high rankings. Consider your customer as a buyer and consider any fresh questions they may have.

Find out which of your two posts is performing better for your keyword if you’re rewriting a combination post. Redirect the old URL of the weaker one to the high-ranking one after integrating it into the stronger one. That will help you to make the traffic visit also to your older content and make google crawl.

Make updating simple

Your content can be revitalized by blog updates, which will also help your KPIs grow more quickly.

It takes time to analyze, rewrite, and add, though. Let’s talk about how Simplified Rewriter can help you maximize the potential of your blog if you want the assistance of content experts for your business. Sign up to Free Content Rewriter tool and start your updating journey today



Amisha Pant

Hello, all. I'm a content writer, writing about AI and new technology. See my more blogs on: