Graphical Processing Unit

Super Fast Overview

Amitkumar Shrivastava
7 min readJun 3, 2022


What is GPU, and what do they do?

A GPU, or graphical processing unit, is a specialized processor designed to handle graphics-related tasks. It is designed to excel at executing thousands of threads in parallel (amortizing the slower single-thread performance to achieve greater throughput).The term GPU was first used in 1999 by NVIDIA when they introduced the GeForce 256 GPU. Today, GPUs are manufactured by AMD, NVIDIA, Intel, and more. GPUs are commonly used in computers and gaming consoles to provide a smooth and realistic experience when rendering images and graphics. GPUs usually have their dedicated memory (VRAM) to store frequently accessed data, which helps to improve performance. They also often come with their cooling solution to keep them running at optimal temperatures.

Some popular GPU models include the NVIDIA GeForce, the AMD Radeon, and the Intel HD Graphics.

Types of GPU

There are several types of GPUs, each with its capabilities and features. The most common GPU types are:

  • Discrete GPU: A discrete GPU is a dedicated GPU that is not integrated into the CPU. Discrete GPUs offer the best performance but require a power source and cooling solution.
  • Integrated GPU: An integrated GPU is a GPU integrated into the CPU die. Integrated GPUs offer good performance and are more power-efficient than discrete GPUs. However, they cannot match the performance of a discrete GPU.
  • Hybrid GPU: A hybrid GPU combines an integrated GPU and a discrete GPU. Hybrid GPUs offer the best of both worlds, offering good performance while being more power-efficient than a discrete GPU.
  • Mobile GPU: A mobile GPU is a GPU designed for mobile devices such as laptops and smartphones. Mobile GPUs offer good performance and are power-efficient. However, they cannot match the performance of a desktop GPU.

How have GPUs evolved over the years to become more powerful and efficient?

GPUs have come a long way since their inception. Today, they are more powerful and efficient than ever before. Thanks to advances in technology, GPUs can now deliver stunning visuals and gaming experiences. However, they are also being used for more than just gaming. GPUs are now being used for machine learning, artificial intelligence, and even cryptocurrency mining. GPUs are genuinely versatile pieces of technology that show no signs of slowing down. Who knows what the future holds for GPUs? Only time will tell.

What kinds of tasks are best suited for GPU processing instead of traditional CPU processing?

GPUs are best suited for tasks that require intensive amounts of data processing and manipulation, such as 3D rendering or video encoding. This is because GPUs have a large number of cores which allow them to process data much faster than CPUs. Additionally, GPUs are designed to handle large amounts of data throughput, making them ideal for tasks that involve working with massive datasets. GPUs are also commonly used for gaming. They can provide a smooth and realistic experience by rendering graphics in real-time.

In recent years, GPUs have become increasingly popular for training deep neural networks due to their ability to quickly perform large amounts of matrix multiplication and other computationally intensive operations. Additionally, GPUs are well suited for parallel computing, which is essential for training deep neural networks effectively. For these reasons, GPU-based systems are often used for training deep learning models. Overall, GPU processing is well suited for repetitive and parallel tasks in nature. This makes them ideal for graphics-intensive applications that require a high level of performance.

GPU models differ in terms of their architecture, performance, and price. When choosing a GPU for your needs, it is crucial to consider the types of tasks you will be performing and the budget you have available.

Factors to consider for GPU Performance

There are a few different factors to consider regarding GPU performance.

  • The most crucial factor is the number of cores that the GPU has. The more cores a GPU has, the better it will be able to handle demanding tasks.
  • Another essential factor to consider is the GPU clock speed. This is the rate at which the GPU can process information and is measured in MHz. A higher clock speed means that the GPU can get more work done in less time.
  • Finally, you’ll also want to look at the memory type and capacity. The two most common types of VRAM are DDR3 and GDDR5. DDR3 is typically slower but cheaper, while GDDR5 is faster but more expensive.

How can you take advantage of GPU acceleration in your projects and workflows?

GPU acceleration can speed up your workflows by utilizing the power of the GPU to process data faster. You can take advantage of GPU acceleration in your projects by using tools that support GPU processing, such as TensorFlow or PyTorch. You can also use GPU-accelerated libraries for specific tasks, such as cuDNN for deep learning. Using GPU acceleration can improve your productivity and get results faster.

For instance, the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti is a high-end GPU that is great for gaming and 4K video editing, while the AMD Radeon RX 560 is a more affordable option than is still capable of delivering impressive results. Ultimately, the best GPU for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. However, both NVIDIA and AMD offer a range of GPU models that cater to different needs and budgets.

CUDA- CUDA is a programming interface that allows developers to access the GPU’s parallel computing power. CUDA-enabled GPUs can be used for a variety of applications, such as image and video processing, scientific computing, and machine learning.

If you’re looking to improve your computer’s graphics performance, upgrading to a GPU can be a great solution. Just make sure that your CPU is also powerful enough to handle the additional workload.

GPU computing: Steps involved

  1. Setup inputs on the host (CPU-accessible memory)

2. Allocate memory for

  • outputs on the host CPU
  • inputs on the GPU device
  • outputs on the GPU

3. Copy inputs from host to GPU (slow)

4. Start GPU kernel (a function that executes on GPU)

5. Copy output from GPU to host (slow)

GPU: Hello World!

__global__ void cuda_hello(){

printf(“Hello World from GPU!\n”);


int main() {


return 0;


then compile — $> nvcc -o hello

  • __global__ specifier indicates a function that runs on device (GPU)
  • the CUDA kernel cuda_hello() can be called from host
  • kernel execution configuration is provided through <<<…>>> syntax, called kernel launch
  • the number of GPU threads “M” to be launched in each thread block is indicated through kernel launch: <<>>, where “B” is the number of thread blocks

What challenges does GPU parallelism present, and how are we overcoming them?

GPU parallelism can also present some challenges.

  • GPU contention can be a major issue when multiple GPU threads are trying to access the same data.
  • GPU acceleration can sometimes be challenging to set up and use. Another challenge is that GPU-accelerated libraries can be complex and challenging to understand.
  • GPU architecture is quite different from traditional CPU architectures. This can make it difficult to port code from one to another and make it more challenging to debug GPU code.
  • GPUs are designed for parallel computing, which can again pose difficulties for developers who work with serial code. Debugging parallel code can be much more complex than debugging serial code, as there may be multiple points of failure.
  • Optimizing GPU code can be a challenge, as there are often many different ways to optimize for performance. Finding the optimal solution can be difficult and may require trial and error.
  • Finally, GPU acceleration can sometimes lead to unexpected results due to its high degree of parallelism.

It is important to design your data structures in a way that minimizes contention. For example, you can use separate buffers for each thread or use atomic operations to ensure that data is accessed in a thread-safe manner. Also, follow the latest GPU news and developments. Additionally, many GPU vendors provide developer resources that can be very helpful in understanding the latest GPU hardware.

Closing thoughts on GPUs and their growing importance in the world of computing.

As we have seen, GPUs play an increasingly important role in computing. They can provide the processing power needed for many tasks, including 3D rendering, video editing, and even artificial intelligence. With the release of new GPU models from major manufacturers such as NVIDIA and AMD, it is clear that GPUs are here to stay.

While GPU prices have come down in recent years, they remain a significant investment. It is essential for those looking to get the most out of their money to consider what tasks will be GPU-intensive before making a purchase. However, for those who need the processing power that GPUs offer, there is no doubt that they are worth the investment.



Amitkumar Shrivastava

Head of AI, Global Fujitsu Distinguished Engineer, Top Voice LinkedIn, Forbes Council, NASSCOM Advisor AI,