Top 8 Accounting Study Tips

Amit Kumar Shaha
2 min readFeb 8, 2020


How To Study Accounting?

One thing that those who study in accounting have to hear more about is that accounting is a difficult thing if you do not study too much then you cannot do well in accounting.

But in many cases, the result is not favorable even after so much effort. However, the boys from the adjoining house continue to do well in the tests despite having to engage in sports all day. The reason for this is just a difference in talent? Never! The Creator sent everyone with equal merit, but the proper use of merit makes the difference between the first boy and the last boy of the class.

According to the prevailing notion in society, many of us hold the view that “study hard” means “the result will be better if we study too much”, but in fact ‘ Smart study ‘ or ‘ research in the right way ‘ is much more effective than ‘ hard study. ‘

Here I will talk about eight (8) ways to study accounting, if you follow this, then you will find accounting education easier.

Let’s get started.

1. Prepare all your reading materials

The thing we need most when reading accounting: pen, pencil, rubber, scale, calculator, pages, etc.

So before you start reading accounting, these things have to be kept into a reading table nicely, if you don’t, you will never find your pen or calculator when you need it, so you will lose your attention, you have to get up from the reading table and You have to search here and there, as a result, the accounting math will no longer go into the mind, so that day’s learning will be lost.

So before reading the account, you must keep the necessary items and place them neatly on the reading table or near your hand.

2. Set small goals

We all set goals at the beginning of the year, “I’ll be studying this year!” “And the” goal “remains for most people, not really effective! Why have you ever thought of this? When we were young, the elders used to feed us, study regularly. Now that you’ve grown up, no one comes to catch up with you every day. The responsibility for your success is in your own hands.

Set small goals daily. Do not plan on a long-term plan such as “I will complete a Math Chapter today” without going into such a long-term plan. And don’t shake it until it’s done. Every day at the end of the year to meet such small goals, you will find that there has been a lot of fun studying all year long!

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