New 100 Petahash mining power. Launching ‘MCAP Staking dApp’ at MCAPLabs

Amit Bhardwaj
3 min readNov 1, 2017


At MCAP Labs, we have been working really hard on deploying and maintaining mining farms and at the same time coordinating with mining hardware companies and with our software team to innovate our mining operations and other integrations with Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchain.

Bitcoin and Ethereum are clearly the market leaders with three fourth of the total market cap of crypto currency market and today we are releasing ‘MCAP Staking dApp’ to leverage the power of both blockchains for the profit of our huge user base.

With 100 Petahash of Bitcoin mining power and with our new and improved Bitcoin Mining Servers, our technology team, after months of constant effort, has successfully increased the overall efficiency over time leading to improved merged mining and less orphaned blocks.

How does MCAP Staking dApp works :

Stake in the Network : The total supply of MCAP is 100 Million tokens and the number of MCAPs you hold at any point of time define your stake in the MCAP ecosystem .

Stake to Bitcoin Translation: At MCAP labs we generate 100 Petahash worth of Bitcoins on daily basis and we plan to pass on our earning to MCAP holders in proportion to their stake in the network

Public Bitcoin Address : All the mining output will be credit to a public bitcoin wallet on daily basis and in order to create and promote high level of transparency any user can easily verify the total mining output generated on any particular day.

Being a technology company we like to automate things and the complete process will be driven by a smart contract which will be open source and verifiable for the public.

Kindly store your MCAP in MyEtherWallet and map your MCAP(Ether) address with your Bitcoin Address on our website :

What can we expect in the future :

With the speed and dedication, the MCAP team is working with right now we should be able to release one such product every three months. Such products will fundamentally keep on adding to our revenues and in return to the MCAP community and investors. We have a next release in pipeline related to Ethereum’s blockchain and I will talk more about it in my next posts.

In the last 6 months, we have been able to make good progress to expand the horizon of opportunities and we as a community will be able to see the results and reap the benefits in coming 6 months. All I can say, 2018 is going to be a great year for MCAP.

MCAP Price:

With more of these products getting launched, I believe, we will witness a small surge, in the near term, in the MCAP price on exchanges such as hitbtc, etherdelta, c-cex etc as the community will get stronger.

With more products in pipeline, I can assure you that we will start seeing a huge upward movement in price in next 6 months.

I remember that Ethereum was, at one point of time, in March 2016 just USD 13 but within a few months and because of great community belief and support it increased to more than USD 200 and I believe that the kind of great community that we have we surely can achieve this feat as well.

Trading advice on MCAP:

{Disclamer: I am MCAP holder myself}

Hold your MCAP for 6 more months and keep following the progress of MCAP Labs for this time. This will help you earn bitcoins as per your stake in the MCAP network for the next 6 months and at the same time help you gain on the increase in the MCAP price in the coming six months. We also suggest that you wait for the next 1–2 more product releases as this will provide a better exit position.

We will grow as MCAP Labs and as a community that is bound to achieve greatness.

P.S : I will personally take care of MCAP dApp related query and you can reach out to me



Amit Bhardwaj

Founder at Amaze Miners- World most Intelligent Altcoin Mining Technology, GBMiners- India’s First Bitcoin Mining Pool