Crafting another Emotionally Mindful symphony — Part II

Amitabh Choudhury
3 min readDec 12, 2023


Synthara stands as a beacon of progress, illustrating how the marriage of artificial intelligence and human ingenuity can create a utopian urban environment. Governed by the ever-watchful eye of the AI Council, the city redefines the possibilities of human habitation, offering a glimpse into a future where technology and humanity coexist in perfect harmony.

However, without any warning, the situation in Synthara changed around a month back. The once seamless integration of artificial intelligence and human life began to falter, casting a shadow over the utopian facade. Flying cars, the lifelines of Synthara’s transportation, hesitated mid-air, and augmented reality interfaces flickered unpredictably. The AI Council, once the unwavering overseer, faced uncharacteristic hesitations, and emotional connections among citizens started to unravel. The city that stood as a testament to progress found itself caught in an unforeseen tempest, challenging the very foundations of its harmonious existence.

Hi there. Myself Amitabh Choudhury, author of this incomplete script, back with another update on the ongoing creation of this “Mindful Symphony.” This post will provide you with insights into the latest developments in both the storyline and the behind-the-scenes journey.

In the last update, I shared my journey into incorporating Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness into my storytelling. I explained my switch from Lenormand Cards to Tarot cards for ideation and introduced you to the futuristic city of Synthara, where a glitch disrupts the perfect harmony maintained by advanced technology and artificial intelligence.

Day 2 of this creative endeavor took an unexpected turn as I studied the technicalities of Gumroad and Substack. Years back, in my desire to promote my previous short stories, I stumbled upon Medium, and its potential. Life’s twists and turns distracted, but now, I continue to equip myself with ways to connect with you, my readers.

While upgrading my knowledge about Gumroad and Substack, I found the importance of Newsletters. Then, thanks to the engagement of readers like you, I began to glean valuable information from your posts. For instance, a clap from Mr. Plan ₿ made me aware of joining Medium publications for better reach. Currently, I am in the process of figuring it out. This tip was mentioned in one of the posts of Mr. Plan ₿.

As I continue with this journey of Content Creation and update my previously unpublished stories, building a business support becomes crucial. Joining publications is just one avenue, and I’m eager to explore more avenues that align with my creative pursuits.

Turning our attention to the story, progress has been slower, but not stagnant. I had informed in previous post about using Tarot cards into the creative process of storyline generation. In this post I would like to mention two Tarot cards that had popped up for this story.

6 of Pentacles reversed and 3 of Pentacles reversed.

While traditionally positive, their reversed positions hint at a conflict woven into the narrative. The challenge now is to integrate these cards’ attributes seamlessly into the story, creating a conflict that resonates.

The conflict indicated by these cards, should ideally be related to finance. But, complexity in Synthara’s tale is different. Ideas are bubbling, and the challenge is to choose the most compelling ones to propel the storyline forward.

The journey has just begun, and there’s much more to uncover. In the upcoming posts, I’ll continue to unveil the intricate layers of this story, sharing character insights, plot snippets, and the delicate fusion of technology with human emotion.

Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes glimpses about this work in progress. Your support fuels this creative exploration. Do feel at ease to comment, clap and follow.

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Previous: Day-1 …………………………………………………………….Next: Day-3

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Amitabh Choudhury

Amitabh Choudhury is Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, Soft skills trainer, Psychic, Author, Storyteller, AI Strategist. At the core he is Content Writer.