What is pregnancy brain?

5 min readAug 23, 2022
Pregnancy brain: Here's what you should know

While many people refer to it as pregnancy brain, not all pregnancies cause this phenomenon. However, some studies show that up to 65% of pregnant women experience this condition at some point during their pregnancy. Most healthcare providers refer to it as “mommy brain” or “pregnancy brain”.

It can happen before we even start having children. Many scientists believe that this is caused by hormones (including estrogen) increasing your concentration level. This can make it difficult to remember things from time to time.

However, most cases of pregnancy brain are mild. You still have normal memory skills while in hypnosis. The possibility for complications is lower if there isn’t pre-existing dementia.

If you feel like yourself today, don’t worry about pregnancy brain right now. Worry about remembering something next week.

The first trimester tends to be a more stressful time with higher risk factors for cognitive issues. This is because growth of the fetus and uterus works together to stress the body.

After early stages, pregnancy brain symptoms disappear soon. If they stay longer than usual, then something is wrong. Tell someone else so they can help you figure out why you aren’t thinking clearly.

What are the most common symptoms of pregnancy brain?

Brain hormones affect memory, so when your body starts producing more estrogen during pregnancy, it can cause difficulty remembering names, events, and things that happen. You may also have difficulties concentrating and thinking clearly. These cognitive problems will get worse as the baby grows.

There are three stages to expect during this period.

The first stage is known as embryo implantation resistance. This begins around days 3–7 after conception. During this time there is an increased production of estrogens by the uterus.

This shifts the hormone levels in the blood towards higher testosterone and lower estrogen.

When the foetus doesn’t get the needed stimulus for growth, it fails to progress properly. The cervix isn’t thickened, the kidneys aren’t developing, etc.

This means the woman often has very abnormal or absent uterine contractions, which results in a shortening of the gestation period. At times these changes can be marked enough that the doctor cannot rule out an ectopic pregnancy until just the sixth week. An endometrial biopsy at seven weeks may able to detect early abnormalities.

What are the causes of pregnancy brain?

Pregnancy brain: Here's what you should know

About 10 to 25 percent of pregnant women experience some form of cognitive impairment, also known as pregnancy brain. Possible reasons for this include swelling, bleeding in the spinal fluid system, hormones, and stress levels.

It is very common for mothers-to-be to forget events or moments that were happening around them, along with learning something new. Even if you have no symptoms, your abilities will probably change during this period.

You may need help from people around you, and maybe even friends who aren’t expecting yet. This can make it hard to remember things for later.

You may find yourself forgetting names or telling stories that don’t make sense. While these anecdotes are funny at the time, they could be embarrassing if others heard them.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, follow up with your doctor. He or she might do blood tests to see why you are having difficulty thinking clearly.

What can be done to treat pregnancy brain?

Pregnancy brain: Here's what you should know

Believe it or not, there are both simple things that you can do and complex things that you could consider trying.

The first type of thing you can try is regular diet throughout your pregnant stage. Since about half of cases of pregnancy brain are attributed to poor nutrition during pregnancy, this seems like a logical place to start.

For most women, nutritional recommendations from their doctor include eating more nutritious food, especially foods high in vitamins and minerals such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

These changes to your diet will help prevent nutrient deficiencies including vitamin B12, folic acid, iron, and calcium. If you already have a health condition like diabetes or hyperthyroidism, you may need additional nutrients.

Alternatively, you may choose to investigate potential treatments not recommended by mainstream medicine. Some belief systems claim that certain types of herbs or supplements can improve cognitive function; however, these claims have not been scientifically proven.

To find remedies that might work for you, keep in mind that your symptoms and severity of dementia are not usually predictable. Another consideration is how much harm they might cause you, although side effects are generally minor.

Last but not least, understand that drug therapy is never a long-term solution for either psychiatric or medical problems. However, if you’re struggling and feel you could use some help, then don’t hesitate to ask for it.

There’s no one

How can you prevent pregnancy brain?

Pregnancy brain: Here's what you should know

Studies show that cognitive stimulation helps keep your mind healthy during pregnancy. Therefore, do something you’ve always found interesting or challenging.

Try reading another book other than pregnancy books or novel series. If you already have a favorite hobby, now is the time to work on it.

You also can talk with family members or friends about topics such as current events, sports, technology, or anything else they’re interested in. Or try having conversations about things you are passionate about and might discuss regularly.

Research shows that these types of discussions provide mental and emotional sustenance by helping maintain attention and motivation. They also help get your mind thinking about things outside the bedroom.

Finally, try listening to music or speaking with someone who makes you laugh. Being amused will help lower your stress and anxiety level.

In order to find out more, make an appointment with the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon, Dr. Amita Shah.

