Rounding Corners in Roku App Development

2 min readMar 3, 2024


In this blog post, we’ll explore how to achieve rounded corners in Roku app development using a simple and effective technique: Masking.

Understanding the Technique: Rounding corners in Roku app development involves applying a mask to images or elements to achieve the desired rounded appearance. This technique utilizes a rounded mask image, which is applied over the target element, effectively masking out the corners and creating a rounded effect.

Of course! Here’s an explanation using UI symbols:

Rounding corners in Roku app development involves applying a mask to images or elements to achieve the desired rounded appearance. This technique utilizes a rounded mask image, which is applied over the target element, effectively masking out the corners and creating a rounded effect.

Here’s how it works:
1. The rounded mask image (🖼️) is placed over the target element (🖼️) within the mask group (🛡️).
2. The mask group effectively hides the corners of the target element that fall outside the rounded shapes of the mask image, creating a rounded effect.

Code Implementation: Let’s dive into the code snippet below, which demonstrates how to implement rounded corners using a mask in Roku app development:

<!-- RoundedCorner.xml -->
<MaskGroup id="roundedMask" maskUri="pkg:/images/rounded_mask.png">
<Poster id="roundedImage" uri="pkg:/images/example_image.jpg" />

Happy Coding!
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Passionate Roku developer with a love for web technologies and backend wizardry. 🚀 ✨ #Android #Streaming #Roku #Web #Nodejs