Four Weeks of DeNetfloxification

Amit Maheshwari
3 min readNov 27, 2021


When I told my family, I am going for DeNetfloxification, my daughter’s incredulous reaction was “and what the hell is that ? ”.. Well dear, its detox for Netflix binge watching. And she was like Awe !, probably disappointed with me inventing this word as well as whole idea !

I hated idiocy of every night ritual of Netflix and agony of choosing a good series or movie… So one night, being tired of these futile attempts, I threw remote on the side, almost determined in my mind that I won’t touch it again for months now… but realised that’s a too big of leap to deprive myself only entertainment during these times…so quickly changed it to 4 weeks. I still believed it was uphill task to attempt first time in life !

To be clear, it wasn’t just Netflix or Prime Video, idea was to completely switch off from TV.

The arduous journey starts…

First week

Surprisingly I didn’t feel missing it out from day 1… good that I am not yet an addict !

Slept at 9 pm & 10 pm most of the days.

Picked up a book again after 9 months, started reading before sleep and could finish 30–40 pages every night ! I really missed it…

Started getting up early about 1–2 hours and got time to start writing this article and other work related articles.

I also had to deal with one challenge. My wife now had to watch alone which she cribbed about for few days… but I realised now she is liking it, watching it alone as she had complete freedom to choose..

Second Week

Now starts withdrawal symptoms. Always staring at tuned off TV while crossing it.

Weekend became more fretting, trying to fill the void…And books came handy for emancipation.

After a long time, may be almost a year, I finished the book “The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel”. I would recommend it to anyone interested in understanding and managing Money better.

Called few close friends randomly at night. Their first reaction is “Bhai (brother), all is well ?” !

Third Week

New addition in this week — After a long time, I have started playing tennis with my son in the morning. Given his 15 hrs screen time due to gaming and coding interest, this is a much needed solace…

Weekend spent sensibly fixing things pending for years and clean-up the garage…

Picked up another book this week “Small Fry” by Lisa Brennan-Jobs (daughter of Steve Jobs). Eager to read her perspective on father daughter relationship…

Fourth Week

Almost getting used to it, No new addition as such, swapping activities like spending more time on twitter & medium and doing some analysis on my long term investments. Realised it is right time to book profit and sit on cash for a while so cleaned up portfolio.

Biggest positive I realised during this week was that my sleep disorder problem has improved considerably, one I have been suffering since 9 years. It has improved 50–60% with less time being awake tossing and only one break in sleep rather 3–4 earlier.

One thing which has not worked out as I expected was where I am spending time saved. I thought it would straight go to something creative. But seems 50% of it is consumed by extra sleep. I am not too unhappy about it since I have been deprived of it since long time.

Fifth Week — sub finem

Its Show Time ! Some drama around picking up remote as if breaking a fast after 3 days… But this time no excitement to choose something and felt I am killing time just for sake of it..

Anyways, handed over remote to wife and checked global stock markets & tweets and slept..

I think I am done with every night episode watch, might go back big time for something as exciting as Outlander or Peaky Blinders.

nihil boni sine labore….

What is your Detox story !



Amit Maheshwari

Don't follow my views | Seeking contrarian ideas | Equity Investor | Passionate Technologist