Public Relations — What Exactly is It?

Amitkumar Twenty
3 min readNov 23, 2021


What exactly are public relations? Every professional has a different view of PR. Some say it’s an art, others say it’s a science. I think the answer maybe both.

A public relation is a tool used to tell stories about your company or organization, and likewise to get information from other people in the form of news stories or information given because they want to share something good about you.

In order for this to work there needs to be consistency from you and your team members when talking with journalists and reporters. And again, that consistency does not mean telling them what you want them to hear, but rather being consistent in how you present yourself and the facts about your business. Don’t over-promise and under-deliver, say what you mean and do what you say. If your business delivers one day late on a product promise, don’t ever blame the client or mistake saying “we delivered it as fast as we could” is going to get you off the hook — it makes you look bad and messes up your chances for a good story if that same client calls back in a year for more services. Are you looking for pr agency Delhi

The most important thing about PR is that there’s no exact science behind it. You can have all the facts needed to build a great case for whatever you’re doing or want to do, but when it comes time to sit down with somebody else; perhaps somebody who doesn’t know anything about you — how this person perceives you is entirely up to them.

The public affairs industry has exploded in recent years, with firms sprouting top-to-bottom, coast to coast. But the real growth market for PR professionals is emerging at the grassroots level — small businesses and non-profit / NGO organizations looking for ways to make an impact on their communities.go For THe Delhi pr agencies

So how do you know if PR might help your organization? If any of your goals are to grow your brand awareness, broaden your professional network or elevate an issue that’s important to you — then maybe it’s time for some outreach! Here are five quick tips I use when pitching my clients:

1) Know who’s listening before you speak — The more information about who you’re pitching to, the better. Just because you’re telling your story doesn’t mean it’s interesting to everyone.

2) Predict their questions before they ask them — You can’t always do this, but if you think of 5 or 6 of the most likely questions they could have about what you do and start preparing answers now, it’ll come in handy when you need it!

3) Make every word count — If an editor is sending out a tweet with your headline on it, that 140 characters is all your message gets. So make sure everything you say, counts. Visit Here for the pr agencies in Delhi

4) Don’t wing press opportunities — PR isn’t just about media outreach; building relationships with bloggers, thought leaders, and anyone else who has influence with your target market is just as important. That being said, it’s still a good idea to have some sort of messaging prepared for when you do have an opportunity to speak with the press.

5) Always bring something new to the table — There are just too many PR firms out there who believe that if they’re not talking about themselves or their client, they aren’t doing PR. Newsjacking — aka grabbing a trending topic and making sure your client is part of the conversation — is hot right now because it brings a fresh spin to what you might be pitching. Here you go For THe best pr agency in Delhi



Amitkumar Twenty

Twenty7 Inc. We Are the Best PR Agency in Delhi creative communication with 360-degree solutions for integrated brand building of the business clients.