What is it like attending an International School?

4 min readDec 16, 2022


International schools facilitate

the international curriculum of education for an international community that has diversity as its significant trait. These international schools in Indian are primarily established in major metropolitan cities with a robust infrastructure.

These schools are more often than not preferred by families that are living away from their native countries, along with the host countries as well.

Generally, a globally accepted curriculum is followed in international schools where children get exposure to distinct traditions, cultures, and communities.

This very exposure helps the students gain confidence to deal with the world outside the school walls. Being in the vicinity of different

communities empowers the students to see the world from different perspectives. The environment of international schools is extremely diverse, which helps students find their own identity among others despite this multifariousness.

This environment is conducive to figuring out their career path ahead, as being surrounded by such influence gives students a vision and the impetus to further explore their preferences and take on new challenges in the fields of both academia and extracurricular activities. Here, high

school students find it relatively less complicated to research and learn about university application processes and different career opportunities, which is a lengthy process in local schools due to a lack of information and resources.

Therefore, here, aspiring students are surrounded by a variety of sources that help them meticulously plan their journey ahead

of their school phase, as it is indeed a crucial point in their lives as they transition into adulthood.

At an international school, a major emphasis is put on community building and inculcating a sense of unity in students. Each identity is celebrated here, which makes it a healthy and beautiful environment to grow individually as well.

This is not just about community building but also about the fact that studying in such surroundings strengthens the problem-solving abilities of students, along with the positive behavioral changes that are seen in them.

For the majority of the students — especially those in high school — making friends is a thrilling experience that no high school student would want to miss out on, and in international schools, they get to meet students from all over the world.

This diversity is a learning experience as much as it is exciting. Meeting these people helps drastically in widening horizons and seeing issues from different perspectives, which is an extremely vital part of the holistic development of students.

This instills the value of mutual respect and love among the students while sending out the message that no single culture in the world has more importance and historical richness than the other;

all cultures and traditions have equal significance, and they should not be pitted against one another.

It also strives to teach students that no individual has the upper hand or advantage of “homeland” and that each student is equal. After all, these differences should not divide but unite us all.

Learning these values early on and at a very young age contributes to the making of a wiser and more accepting generation. The majority of the international schools are located in cities of historical importance and aesthetic value.

Whether it is Telangana or Singapore, the experience is truly memorable as it comes with such dynamic exposure to customs, traditions, people, and culture. It is truly an enriching experience for both students and ex-pat families.

Apart from this, these schools are equipped with excellent educators and faculty who are not only active in classrooms but also extend guidance to students outside of these classrooms.

Experienced teachers give their maximized students maximize their academic opportunities catering to their talents, potential, and preferences.

The faculty here leaves no stone unturned in making school a safe, fulfilling, and enriching space for students on their road to becoming good leaders and benevolent people in whatever career they choose later on.

International schools put a great deal of emphasis on extracurricular activities as they consider them an efficient and productive way to teach students how to interact and work well with their peers.

These activities are of numerous varieties, from sports to literary festivals, from performing arts to science clubs. Students who engage in these activities regularly apart from academics have relatively better analytical skills and problem-solving capacity.

It has been observed that students who have studied in international schools have relatively better chances in the job market due to their fluency in multiple languages as well as a high confidence level. Needless to say, recruiters and employers are inclined toward these skills.

As we can assess through this, these International schools help in the holistic development of their students at a deeper level, inculcating a sense of responsibility among them as they are constantly in the vicinity of a healthy amount of competition.

It empowers and enables them to perform outside of their comfort zones, take on new challenges, and continue to walk on the path to excellence.

