What Is The Difference Between International Schools, Global Schools And World Schools In India?

3 min readDec 10, 2022


International schools in India , global schools and world schools are types of international schools you can find in India. These schools follow an international curriculum. The term “international” refers to the curriculum used in these Indian schools.

Unlike most Indian schools, these institutions follow an international curriculum, meaning they deliver education similar to what children get in different countries worldwide. Read on to know the difference between international schools, global schools and world schools.

The Difference: International Schools Vs Global Schools Vs World Schools

When you’re looking for a school, the words “global,” “international,” and “world” can all be used to describe what you’re looking for. But because all three of these terms mean something similar doesn’t mean they’re interchangeable!

As you search for the right school, it’s essential to understand the difference between all three terms. Here’s a quick guide:

Global Schools: Global schools are based in one country but offer programs that incorporate students from across the globe. That means students will learn about their own culture and others’ cultures through coursework and extracurricular activities.

International Schools: International schools are located in multiple countries — usually more than one — and are available to anyone who wishes to attend regardless of nationality or residency status.

These schools might offer instruction in one or multiple languages, depending on where they’re located.

World Schools: World schools are international schools whose mission is to provide an education that goes beyond merely exposing students to other cultures; they seek to empower them with critical thinking skills so that they can adapt easily and effectively throughout life.

International Schools Have A Curriculum From Another Country

International schools have a curriculum from another country. These schools teach students in English and are outside of their country. The curriculum is usually developed by the country’s ministry of education, along with other organisations and experts interested in education.

The curriculum is to meet the needs of students who are not native speakers of the language they are studying. In addition to teaching students in English, international schools may also teach students about local culture, history and geography as part of their curriculum.

Students at international schools can come from any country around the world as long as they speak English well enough to participate in class and understand what is going on around them.

International schools can be found all over the world but typically cater to expatriates living abroad rather than overseas nationals who want a better education for their children than what’s available locally.

Global Schools Have No Particular Curriculum

They follow the international standards of education. Global Schools have no particular curriculum. They do not follow the same schedule or lesson plans as traditional schools so that students can learn at their own pace and choose what they want to learn.

The idea behind this model of education is that students are encouraged to pursue their passions and interests while still being guided by teachers who will help them along the way.


Gone are the days when parents had to send their children abroad to get a good education.

International Schools, Global Schools and World schools — all of these terms are used interchangeably in India but are very different.

