The Clarification of Real Success and How to Achieve it

Amit Pareek
3 min readJan 31, 2018

People often refer success to money, Fame and achievements but these all contains artificial flavor of success. Real success comes from inner satisfaction. Achieved the goal but still you are unhappy than it is a temporary success or you can say fake one. Do what you love and you can taste the real flavor of success. When you achieve what you love that is known as ‘Real Success’. If you want to achieve the taste of real success, that is more than fame, money and achievement. Follow these simple steps

1) Always Do What You Love.

“If we have a dream, why to live someone else”

When you do something that your heart defines then it always make you happy and give you the real taste of success rather than just making you rich. Whether it’s a small thing or a big dream it always gives you a satisfaction of real thing that you achieved with all your wish and passion.

2) Follow your passion and take risk

Follow your passion and you will find real pleasure in everything you do. Sometimes it takes time but don’t worry ultimately the path leads to the same destination. Many people dream to start a business or to convert a dream into reality but because of the fear of failure they tell their dreams to die with failure.

The difference between Successful people and unsuccessful people is just that “successful people take risks”. Life is all about doing experiments and learning from those experiments. Real success comes to those who are fully prepared to welcome it.

3) Just Do It

If you are following your dreams then never wait for tomorrow because tomorrow leads you to another tomorrow. Just do it today, if you can do it today then only you can get the power to do something great tomorrow.

Many people spend their whole life by just thinking to fulfill their dreams. You just have to follow the path it will automatically reach you to your dreams and I know that it is not easy but who said you that dreams are easy to achieve, the real taste of success comes with hard steps of achieving success. Be ready and Let it come.

“A tomorrow always waits for another tomorrow”

4) Be A Happy Learner

Whether you are a CEO of a company or a Clerk always look for opportunities to learn. Yes a CEO can learn from a clerk and a clerk can learn from a CEO. Real Success never measures post, fame, money or any boundaries.

Never stop learning. When you stop learning that means you stop moving ahead. Learning gives you the real taste of your journey.

5) Help Others

The real pleasure of success will come to you but what if you can’t use it in a proper way? Whatever you achieve share with people; help the needy this will automatically increases your power of real success. Real success never demand hate, it demands help by helping each other.

Helping others is also a part of enjoying your real success. It is more than fame, money, and property.

Never define success with artificial things (such as money, fame, property, etc), the power of real success is different, it is in inner peace. If you find your soul, while penning down poetries than

Mark my words — “You are successful”



Amit Pareek

I am a passionate writer. I draw my imagination with words. Founder and writer @TheCreativeInhuman and Author @Indiaalive