Amit Kumar
2 min readJun 23, 2019

week 4 | GSoC’19 | CCExtractor Development

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Finally towards the final week of the first evaluation. Till now, It has been a great journey of learning, experimenting and implementing the stuff. Up to now I have been very much strict with the GSoC proposal’s timeline and successfully implemented all the features.

While in search of tools for building the UI for the project I forgot to mention about ReactJS in the proposal. I wanted to keep the backend side and frontend side apart as well as elegant. So finally I started working with ReactJS this week. This tool was new to me back a few days ago but now I’m really amazed by it’s simplicity in writing code and it’s elegant output. I’m using material design along with bootstrap. This week a small yet significant part of the UI has been completed. I created a new repo for this UI part . You can find the link to the GitHub repo here. Let me show you some of the current view of the UI.

To add a new face embedding.

To recognize faces in an Image

Currently, only two features in UI are added, I will complete the remaining in coming days.

While in backend side, I worked on Django models particularly this week to enhance the API call results and it’s usage.

for the next evaluation, I’m having a huge milestone to cover. I’m really very much excited about the coming features. Stay tuned :)

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