8 habits that will change your life…

Amna Irfan Goraya
2 min readJul 28, 2023


Improving our life is not just a kind gesture.there are so many other habits you can develop to improve your life.

Fortunately, we have the power to
change them.

So let’s look forward to the 8 habbits that will change your life.

1. Having 9 to 10 hours of sleep:

In our busy life, having a 10 hour of sleep is very crucial for a healthy and stable body.

2. Waking up early:

If we wake up it means we will have more time for everything.

And to wake early,of course we need to sleep early. We don’t want to be someone who wakes up at 7:00, and runs to his or her office with a cup of coffee in there hands. If we wake up early we will have the time to make our selves a healthy breakfast 🍳.

3. Exercise daily

Exercising daily is a good habbit because that makes you fit and ready for the day. It also reduces stress and symptoms of anxiety.

4.Eating at least 4 meals a day:

Having 3 meals is what we have heard all our lives,but for young people like us including healthy snacks is also very important.

5.Having a balanced diet:

Having a balanced diet prevents us from getting malnourished or obese.

Our diet should comprise of decent amount of proteins and carbs. Vitamins and minerals are also important.

6. Reading daily:

Reading is a good habits because it increases your knowledge and vocabulary. It even improves our creativity.

7.Being grateful:

We should be grateful for everything we have. Being grateful is not just being positive, it is about nourishing your mind..




Amna Irfan Goraya

I am 6th grader who loves to write blogs for you guys......