The Society Crisis

Ammar Bin Aman
4 min readSep 18, 2023


In the days of advancement and technology, where the knowledge of the world is being carried in our pockets, and where new ways of ease and comfort are being invented. We have forgotten the basics of human civilization.

Let me give you an example;

The Arabian Peninsula, 1500 years ago:

Sarah is a young woman who just got married to her loving husband a few years ago, they both are one of the few who manage to understand each other and sacrifice for each other. Tolerance, compassion, and respect are the foundations of their marriage.
Deep inside Sarah’s soul, she is truly thankful for her caring husband and their three beautiful daughters. Unlike many others who are still to this date, suffering from toxic relationships, domestic violence, abuse, and marital rape.

However, there was something else written in her fate, death.

Sarah at her peak of life, had to suffer the death of her dear husband. She felt as if she had lost everything, as if the wing she used to cuddle beneath, has been lifted off and now she was exposed to the elements.

Well, life does not stop,

Months passed by, and now Sarah is trying her best to make ends meet, to support her three little angels, and to cope with the loss of her dear husband.

She works in the fields by the day, and as a maid by night, she struggles with the heat of the Sun, and her aching arms as she reaps the wheat crops spread upon acres of land. She has to listen to the orders and taunts of the ladies for whom she works as a maid.

She has to fear for her daughters, and for herself from the dirty looks of men who are well aware of her condition and will do anything to take advantage of her desperateness.

That’s one part of the story, now imagine the same Sarah, but this time Islam is amongst the Arabs, and now Sarah is still a widow, but this time she is free of worry and tension. Here people respect her and already three men have sent their marriage proposals to Sarah, asking her to be their 2nd or 3rd wife.

Sarah has her respect, she has her dignity and she has the choice to marry whoever she wishes, people do not look at her with disgrace, instead, they treat her highly, and she never even feels as if she is a desperate and needy widowed woman.

She remarries and her sadness is soon converted into joy as her daughters now have a father, and Sarah is again loved, cared for, and respected.

You must have been pretty much confused by now,

No problem, it was meant to be like this. The point I am trying to emphasize is that in today’s culture and norm, where a divorced woman is treated like garbage and has to suffer through her entire life, she has to endure her employer’s flirting, her co-workers approach her, she has to suffer the threat of being used and taken advantage of, she has to suffer for the safety of her kids, and so much more!

Whose fault is it?

Sarah’s? Her boss? her society? or you and I?

If you chose the latter then congrats, you have a brain.

Now try to understand, that Islam has allowed men to marry four wives. Feminists be like “Oh that is so bad, why should I be the second wife of someone?”

Because in a world where the female ratio is more than males, where would you allot the other females too?
Secondly, its in a man’s nature that he can love multiple women at the same time, with the same intensity. It is in the women’s nature to be self-centered just as it is a man’s nature to be assertive and arrogant. If you deny nature, then you are denying the laws of life, you are denying life itself.
Thirdly, if the divorced women are treated as Untouchables, then where will they go? Prostitution? so that they can fulfill their desires?
And who do you think will go to those prostitutes?

The husbands of a single wife, yes they will be the one heading off to a nightclub to find some cheap sex.

Take this simple example of a supply and demand curve;

Now imagine Coca-Cola supplying their daily supply of Coke to retailers who then stocked it up or sold it further ahead. But what if the demand falls, the excess Coke will end up holed up in the warehouse, stocked on shelves, waiting to expire.

What will be the results?

Prices will fall, because demand is down, sales are down, and the retailer must increase the sales in order to cover up his inventory costs and all.

So he will decrease the price, and try to attract more customers.

Same goes with us humans, if we all stuck to one wife, then demand for those women who are widowed or poor will fall, and thus the value of a women will fall as well.

Once the value falls, then she has lost her worth.

So ponder about this and think about why Islam has allowed 4 wives, there must have been a reason!



Ammar Bin Aman

A young mind striving to see through veils, gain highest level of knowledge and help others realize the truth😎