Kaggle or Github? Which one is more important for a Data Science professional

Ammar Jamshed
4 min readJan 4, 2022


Uploaded by Ken Jee

Both are important portfolio databases for major professionals in computer science, analytics and even Data Science. Kaggle is owned by google and GitHub is owned by Microsoft and both are tech giants that currently lead the innovation trends in technologies.

My Portfolio in Kaggle (Still working on it)
My Github Portfolio

What is Kaggle and how is it useful?

Kaggle allows you to build extensive portfolios using extensive codes of Python and R in Analytics, machine learning and take training courses in the all its aspects and most of all earn prizes through winning in competitions.

Kaggle Ranking system

Source : Mobile Legends

Courses in Kaggle

Kaggle offers multiple hands on courses in Machine learning, Python, R programming and Analytics. All courses are hands on skill learning where you learn how to write code and use it for analysis.

Upload your work or directly author analysis on an existing dataset

Lots of organizations and individuals upload their datasets on Kaggle and ask people to perform Analytics and Machine learning on it for solutions. Kaggle ranks you higher when people see your work (you should make it public in this case) and upvote it, which gives you more medals. As you rise in rank, your skills become more apparent to organizations seeking data scientists, ML engineers, or analysts. You might even find some companies recruiting after viewing your Kaggle portfolio.

How does a portfolio look in Kaggle?

Portfolios in Kaggle compromise of Analytics case studies, machine learning models, self provided datasets and discussions and all participants have ranks based on their level of contributions which start from Novice and end at Grand Master.

Can you earn from Kaggle?

Yes participants can earn prizes from winning competitions and can even be hired by companies after examination of their work.

Image by How-To Geek

What is GitHub and how is it useful?

Github Is repository of coding projects and their skeleton codes shareable to anyone or private to you based on the settings you have applied.

How does a portfolio look in Github?

A Portfolio in Github is a clustered storage of your built codes and tools that others may use for academic or commercial purposes or even you can store for your needs later revisit it at a later date.

Data Scientists use github to store their Machine learning models and Analytics done using code or particular tools like OpenML and PowerBI which can also be stored in image, Pdf and even code form.

Programmer use Github to store codes used to build their applications or software's so others may use it for either paying a fee or giving credits based on how the settings are set on the code.

Google Search

Can you earn from Github?

Yes based on the amount of stars you get on your repository if its open source where companies may opt to use it and pay you for using your code for their projects. Your earnings are based on how many other coders star(like) your Repository and people with multiple Repositories with so many likes on each can earn $100,000 annually as well.


Both github and Kaggle are essential parts of building your skills and saving your work for both personal or commercial use to earn money. Kaggle even allows you to directly save your Notebooks/Kernels of code directly on your Github repository by linking it to Kaggle and you can save all your work in Kaggle and save and sell it in Github without needing to open Github separately.

Authors Note

Hey Guys I’m currently working as a freelancer in Analytics on Upwork. If you have any reviews, critics or any need of advice for any analytics/Data Science/Machine Learning based project. Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn and you may use my Github/Kaggle repository of python and R code templates and already made visualization’s for implementation or reference.

Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/goto-resumemuhammad-ammar-jamshed-029280145/

Github: https://github.com/AmmarJamshed

Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/muhammadammarjamshed



Ammar Jamshed

Data Science Specialist- Data Sciences | Business Intelligence | Social Sciences | Machine Learning | Coding | Lifestyle