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The Sexual Revolution: A Thought-Provoking Conversation with Louise Perry. (My Notes)

Ammar Sheikh
4 min readSep 26, 2023


In a candid and insightful interview, Louise Perry, the author of “The Case Against the Sexual Revolution: A New Guide to Sex in the 21st Century,” explores into various aspects of the modern sexual landscape. She raises thought-provoking questions and concerns about the impact of the sexual revolution on society, particularly on women. While her views may be controversial, they spark important discussions that demand attention and action.

Louise Perry argues that freedom should be balanced against other values, like restraint, and that male restraint is important. The concept of “sexual disenchantment” is mentioned, highlighting the changing perception of sex from something special to a casual social interaction. There’s a discussion about the socio sexuality gap, where men generally have a higher desire for casual sex than women, leading to certain consequences in the dating market. The shift in expectations of women to meet the male demand for casual sex is discussed, along with the negative emotional impact on women. The conversation critiques the idea that women’s reluctance to casual sex is solely due to societal hang-ups and slut-shaming.

Women tend to have a lower sexual disgust threshold compared to men:

This difference can be empirically measured by looking at responses like sweating and heart rate, with women being more easily triggered by feelings of disgust. The biological reason behind this relates to the consequences of getting pregnant, which is extremely significant for women due to the nine-month pregnancy, dangerous labor, and years of infant care.

Women have strong inbuilt instincts to protect against undesirable outcomes related to sex, such as pregnancy with a partner who might leave them. There’s a narrative that suggests having sex like a man is empowering for women, but it may lead to emotional conflicts. The idea of holding off on sex for a few months in a relationship is advised to see if the partner is serious and to avoid being clouded by hormones.

Dating apps often prioritize superficial qualities like appearance, leading to a focus on a small group of men and making it challenging for women looking for meaningful relationships. Monogamy is discussed as a social structure that has advantages, such as economic productivity, lower rates of child abuse and domestic abuse, and lower crime rates. There is a concern about the limitations of technological interventions to extend female fertility. The discussion touches on the potential for a sexual counter-revolution, with some younger generations showing a swing towards more conservative values. Concerns are raised about extreme polarization and the reluctance to call out extremism within one’s own political or ideological group.

Feminism and the impact of online pornography, surrogacy, and the potential dangers of sex robots:

Feminism and Evolutionary Psychology: The speaker mentions that it’s challenging for feminists to openly support evolutionary psychology due to backlash and criticism. This has led to a lack of feminist voices in this field.

  1. Polarization and Status Games: The discussion highlights the tendency for people not to criticize their in-groups to maintain their status. This can lead to the spreading of misinformation and falsehoods.
  2. Online Pornography: The conversation delves into the growing mainstream presence of online pornography and its impact. The speaker believes that younger generations, particularly Gen Z, recognize the dystopian aspects of porn culture.
  3. Negative Effects of Porn: The speaker discusses the negative effects of excessive porn consumption, such as the rise of erectile dysfunction among young men and the potential for users to be exposed to extreme and harmful content.
  4. Surrogacy: The discussion touches on the ethical concerns related to surrogacy, both altruistic and commercial. The maternal bond and the emotional toll on surrogates are mentioned.
  5. The Role of Marriage: The speaker briefly mentions that some traditional norms, like marriage, may have had a purpose and should be acknowledged for their benefits.
  6. Sex Robots: The interview concludes by raising concerns about the potential negative impact of sex robots on society, particularly on men’s productivity and personal development.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Speaking Openly and Effecting Change

Louise emphasizes the power of open conversation and its potential to bring about change. When people collectively start discussing taboo or sensitive topics, there can be a tipping point where such discussions become permissible and lead to societal transformation.

Action Point: Encourage open dialogues about complex issues related to sexuality and relationships within your community, workplace, or social circles.

2. Voicing Unconventional Opinions

Louise’s fearless approach to expressing unconventional opinions stands as a testament to the importance of not shying away from voicing concerns, even in the face of criticism. Her example highlights the need for individuals to speak their minds, especially when they believe it’s necessary.

Action Point: If you hold unique viewpoints on critical issues, consider sharing them constructively, knowing that your perspective may resonate with others who share similar concerns.

3. Concerns About Sex Robots:

Louise raises a compelling concern about the potential proliferation of sex robots. These artificial companions could exacerbate a trend of young men disengaging from real relationships and failing to pursue productive lives. Sex robots provide a false sense of personal success and could have detrimental societal consequences.

Action Point: Engage in discussions about the implications of emerging technologies like sex robots, advocate for responsible innovation, and support regulations if deemed necessary to prevent negative societal impacts.

Louise Perry’s interview serves as a reminder of the power of open dialogue, the importance of voicing unconventional opinions, and the need to critically assess the consequences of emerging technologies. While not all may agree with her views, her fearless approach to discussing sensitive topics encourages us to think deeply and take action when necessary to shape a better future for society.

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Ammar Sheikh

I am passionate about self improvement, and through writing, I speak to my younger self. I have a passion for books and learning new things.