Room or ObjectBox — Database for Android

Syed Ammar
4 min readFeb 14, 2024

Diving into the world of Android development, one crucial decision developers often face is choosing the right database solution. In this article, we’ll compare two popular options: ObjectBox and Room Database.


ObjectBox is an object-oriented database designed for Android, offering high performance and a lightweight footprint. It allows developers to define data models using annotated Java or Kotlin classes, making it easy to work with object-oriented paradigms. One of its standout features is its automated migration process, simplifying schema updates and reducing manual intervention.


On the other hand, Room Database is a part of the Android Architecture Components and is built on top of SQLite, a relational database engine. While slightly heavier than ObjectBox, Room Database provides a reliable solution for data persistence in Android applications. Developers define data models using annotated Java or Kotlin classes, similar to ObjectBox. However, Room Database requires manual migration for schema changes, adding complexity to version updates.

Let’s explore the differences between the two


  • Type: ObjectBox is an object-oriented database for Android, which means it falls under the category of object databases.
  • Data Modeling: With ObjectBox, you define your data model using annotated Java or Kotlin classes. Each instance of the class represents an entity that can be stored in the database.
  • Performance: ObjectBox is known for its high-performance characteristics, providing fast data storage and retrieval, especially for mobile and embedded devices.
  • Query Language: ObjectBox uses a fluent query API for data retrieval. It offers a concise and expressive way to query the database.
  • Automated Migration: ObjectBox simplifies the migration process with automatic schema updates. It handles changes to the data model seamlessly, reducing the need for manual interventions during updates.


  • Type: Room is a part of the Android Architecture Components and is a SQLite object mapping library. It falls under the category of relational databases.
  • Data Modeling: In Room, you define your data model using annotated Java or Kotlin classes, much like ObjectBox. However, Room is built on top of SQLite, a relational database engine.
  • Performance: Room provides a solid and reliable solution for data persistence with a focus on SQLite. It may not be as lightweight as ObjectBox, but it is a robust choice for applications requiring relational database features.
  • Query Language: Room uses SQL queries for data retrieval. Developers need to write SQL queries or use Room’s query annotations to interact with the underlying SQLite database.
  • Manual Migration: Room requires more manual intervention for schema changes. Developers often need to create and apply migration scripts when the database schema evolves, adding complexity to version updates.

Comparison Chart

ObjectBox is well-suited for scenarios where fast and efficient data storage and retrieval are crucial, such as in mobile and embedded systems. Room, being part of the Android Architecture Components, is commonly used in Android applications that follow the recommended architecture patterns.

Initialization Setup

I’ll provide a basic overview of the initial setup for both ObjectBox and Room Database in Android, including the necessary dependencies.


1. Add the ObjectBox Gradle Plugin

buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
classpath "io.objectbox:objectbox-gradle-plugin:$latestVersion"

2. Apply the ObjectBox Plugin in your app module’s build.gradle

apply plugin: 'io.objectbox'

3. Sync your project with Gradle

4. Define your ObjectBox entity classes with annotations

public class YourEntity {
// Define your entity fields

5. Initialize ObjectBox in your application class or another appropriate place

public class App extends Application {
private BoxStore boxStore;

public void onCreate() {
boxStore = MyObjectBox.builder().androidContext(this).build();

public BoxStore getBoxStore() {
return boxStore;

Room Database

1. Add the Room Dependency.

kapt "$latestVersion"
implementation "$latestVersion"
annotationProcessor "$latestVersion"

2. Define Room Annotations and Database Class.

public class YourEntity {
// Define your entity fields
@Database(entities = {YourEntity.class}, version = 1)
public abstract class YourRoomDatabase extends RoomDatabase {
public abstract YourDao yourDao(); // Define your Data Access Object (DAO) interface

3. Initialize Room Database in your application class or another appropriate place

public class App extends Application {
public static YourRoomDatabase roomDatabase;

public void onCreate() {
roomDatabase = Room.databaseBuilder(getApplicationContext(), YourRoomDatabase.class, "your_database_name").build();

These are simplified steps to get you started. Remember to adapt these setups based on your project’s needs.

Now that we’ve compared the key features of ObjectBox and Room Database, I think you’re confident in choosing which database suits each case for your Android app development

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Syed Ammar

Software Engineer | Android Developer | Kotlin | Java | Flutter | IOS Developer