RPM Billing

5 min readJun 2, 2023


RPM (Remote Patient Monitoring) in Medical Billing:

RPM billing is a practice in the healthcare industry that involves the use of technology to monitor patients’ health remotely. Symptoms, vital signs, and other health information can be collected and analyzed without visiting the patient in person. This approach enables healthcare professionals to provide continuous care, early intervention, and personalized treatment plans.

RPM CPT Codes:

CPT (current procedural terminology) codes are standardized codes used in medical billing to describe specific healthcare services and procedures. In the case of RPM, there are specific CPT codes that healthcare providers use to bill for the remote monitoring services they provide. The commonly used RPM CPT codes include:

99453: Remote monitoring of physiological parameters, such as blood pressure, heart rate, or weight.

99454: Remote monitoring of physiological parameters and the initial setup and patient education on the use of the equipment.

99457: Remote physiologic monitoring treatment management services, which involves at least 20 minutes of clinical staff time each month.

Who can bill for RPM?

Healthcare providers, such as physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants, who are qualified to provide remote patient monitoring services can bill for RPM. The specific requirements and qualifications may vary depending on the healthcare system and the guidelines set by insurance payers.

RPM Code 99457:

RPM code 99457 is a CPT code used to bill for remote physiologic monitoring treatment management services. It requires a minimum of 20 minutes of clinical staff time spent each month on monitoring and managing the patient’s remote data.

RPM Abbreviation:

RPM is an abbreviation for Remote Patient Monitoring. It refers to the practice of monitoring patients’ health remotely using technology and transmitting their health data to healthcare providers.

RPM Report:

An RPM report is a detailed document generated from the remote monitoring data collected from patients.A patient’s health status is evaluated by looking at vital signs, symptoms, trends, and any notable changes.This report aids healthcare providers in assessing the patient’s condition and making informed medical decisions.

CPT Codes:

American Medical Association (AMA) CPT codes describe medical procedures, services, and tests provided by healthcare professionals in a standardized manner.

How to Bill RPM Services:

To bill for RPM services, healthcare providers must follow the specific guidelines and requirements set by insurance payers and government healthcare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Generally, the billing process involves selecting the appropriate RPM CPT codes, documenting the medical necessity of the service, and submitting the claim with the relevant patient data and supporting documentation.

CMS Codes for RPM:

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has established specific codes for RPM services. The CMS codes for RPM align with the RPM CPT codes mentioned earlier and are used when billing for remote patient monitoring services provided to Medicare beneficiaries.

Payment for RPM Equipment:

The responsibility for payment for RPM equipment may vary depending on the healthcare system, insurance coverage, and specific agreements between healthcare providers and patients. In some cases, insurance companies or government programs may cover the cost of RPM equipment, while in other cases, patients may be responsible for the payment or there may be a shared cost arrangement.

RPM Copay:

Whether RPM services have a copay or not depends on the individual insurance plan. Some insurance plans may require a copay for RPM services, while others may cover the service without any additional cost to the patient. For more details about specific coverage details, patients should consult their insurance policies or insurance providers.

Billing 99490:

CPT code 99490 is used for chronic care management (CCM) services, not for RPM. Chronic care management involves the provision of non-face-to-face care coordination services for patients with multiple chronic conditions.

CPT Codes 99453 and 99454:

CPT code 99453 is used to bill for remote monitoring of physiological parameters, such as blood pressure, heart rate, or weight. CPT code 99454 includes the services described in 99453, along with the initial setup and patient education on the use of the equipment.

Rev Code 99211:

Rev code 99211 is a revenue code used in hospital billing to indicate a low-level outpatient clinic visit. The procedure is commonly used for simple and straightforward medical services, like a brief check-up or follow-up.

Origin of the Term RPM:

The term RPM, in the context of remote patient monitoring, refers to the monitoring of patients’ health from a distance. It is called RPM because it signifies the use of technology to remotely observe and manage patients’ health conditions without the need for frequent in-person visits.

RPM in the Industry:

In various industries outside of healthcare, RPM stands for different concepts. For example, in the context of the industrial sector, RPM commonly refers to Revolutions Per Minute, which measures the rotational speed of machines and equipment.

RPM in Banking:

In the banking sector, RPM can stand for Relationship Pricing Management, which refers to a pricing strategy where banks offer preferential pricing or benefits to customers who have a strong and long-term relationship with the institution.

Importance of RPM:

RPM is crucial in healthcare as it allows healthcare providers to monitor patients’ health remotely and proactively intervene when necessary. Remote healthcare technology offers various advantages, including the early detection of health problems, a decrease in the requirement for in-person visits, enhanced patient outcomes, and improved efficiency in healthcare delivery.

RPM in Logistics:

RPM, which stands for Real-Time performance management, is a system used to monitor and optimize the performance of various logistics operations, including transportation, warehousing, and supply chain management. It utilizes real-time data and analytics to ensure efficient and effective operations.

ICD-10 Codes:

ICD-10 codes, also known as International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision codes, are alphanumeric codes utilized in medical billing and coding processes. Their purpose is to categorize and classify various diseases, injuries, and other medical conditions. These codes are essential for accurate and standardized documentation of healthcare services, facilitating efficient billing and record-keeping within the healthcare industry. They provide a standardized system for recording diagnoses and conditions in healthcare settings.

Five Common CPT Codes:

While the specific choice of CPT codes may vary depending on the medical services and procedures provided, five commonly used CPT codes across different specialties are:

99213: Office or other outpatient visit, established patient.

36415: Routine venipuncture for blood collection.

96372: Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection.

99232: Subsequent hospital care, moderate severity.

99285: Emergency department visit, comprehensive level 5.

Please note that the information provided is a general overview, and it is essential to consult the latest guidelines, coding resources, and regulations specific to your region and healthcare practice when billing for RPM services




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