7 min readAug 27, 2023

They say that blood is thicker than water, But what happens when that blood is poison?

‘’I grew up in a house where silence was deafening. Where words were weapons. Where love was conditional. Where I was never good enough. I learned to hide my feelings, to suppress my emotions, to never ask for help. I learned to be afraid. I learned to be alone’’

When the people who are supposed to love you Are the ones who hurt you the most?The worst scar is not the one that’s visible. It’s the one that’s hidden deep inside, the one that you can’t see but you can always feel.That how it feels like living with a toxic family.Toxic parents are like a scar on your soul. They leave a mark that never fully heals. They make you feel like you’re not good enough, that you’re never going to amount to anything. They make you doubt yourself and your worth. They make you feel like you’re alone in the world.

Growing up in a toxic family can be a living hell. It’s a place where you’re constantly belittled, criticised, and controlled. You’re made to feel like you’re never good enough, and that you’re only loved on the condition that you meet your parents’ unrealistic expectations.Growing up in a toxic family can be one of the most damaging experiences a person can have. Toxic parents are those who engage in behaviours that are emotionally, physically, or sexually abusive, or who neglect their children’s emotional needs. These behaviours can have a devastating impact on children, leading to low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder.

Toxic parents come in all shapes and sizes. Some are physically abusive, while others are emotionally or verbally abusive. Some are neglectful, while others are controlling. But all toxic parents have one thing in common: they put their own needs above the needs of their children.Toxic parents are like cancer, They slowly eat away at your soul. They make you feel like you’re not good enough, And they make you doubt yourself at every turn.

No matter what form they take, toxic parents have a lasting impact on their children. They can leave children feeling insecure, anxious, depressed, and even suicidal. They can make it difficult to trust others, form healthy relationships, and achieve their goals. They suffer from insecurities, They feel unwanted, They want to scream their lungs out and tell their toxic parents how much their poisonous act killing them inside but they can’t, they can’t because how much they wanted to tell their parents about there sufferings but they can’t because of lack of confidence and trust on their own parents because they never give their children prove that they can trust them. They always give their punishment to their children of sins that caused by them. What is the fault of children that they are suffering from the punishment that they never did. Just because of their toxic relationship their children are bearing the punishment of the sins that were caused by their own parents.They always think that they are always right and they can do whatever they want to do with their children like they own their lives. They never realise how much their poisonous act is affecting their children. And in the end they lose their own self.Toxic parents often put their children down, making them feel like they’re never good enough. They may constantly criticise their appearance, intelligence, or personality.

Controlling behaviour. Toxic parents often try to control every aspect of their children’s lives. They may dictate what they wear, who they see, and what they do. They may also try to isolate their children from friends and family.

Toxic parenting can have a devastating impact on children. It can lead to a number of emotional, psychological, and physical problems.

Low self-esteem. Children of toxic parents often have low self-esteem. They may feel like they’re not good enough, and that they don’t deserve love and respect.

Anxiety and depression. Toxic parenting can lead to anxiety and depression. Children of toxic parents may feel anxious and worried all the time, and they may have trouble enjoying life.

Trauma. Children of toxic parents often experience trauma. This can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression.

Addiction. Children of toxic parents are more likely to develop addictions to drugs, alcohol, or other substances.

Self-destructive behaviour. Children of toxic parents are more likely to engage in self-destructive behavior, such as cutting, self-harm, or suicide.

.Here are some of the most common types of toxic parents:

  • Neglectful parents: Neglectful parents fail to provide their children with their basic needs, such as food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. They may also be emotionally unavailable or unresponsive to their children’s needs.
  • Emotionally abusive parents: Emotionally abusive parents use words to hurt their children. They may belittle, criticise, insult, or threaten their children. They may also make their children feel guilty or ashamed.
  • Verbally abusive parents: Verbally abusive parents use their words to control their children. They may yell, scream, swear, or name-call their children. They may also put their children down or make them feel worthless.
  • Physically abusive parents: Physically abusive parents use their bodies to hurt their children. They may hit, kick, punch, or slap their children. They may also use objects to hurt their children, such as belts, sticks, or frying pans.
  • Sexually abusive parents: Sexually abusive parents use their bodies to sexually exploit their children. They may touch their children in a sexual way, or they may force their children to touch them in a sexual way.

The impact of toxic parents can be devastating. Children who grow up in toxic families are at an increased risk of developing a number of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, post-traumatic stress disorder, and eating disorders. They may also have difficulty forming healthy relationships, both romantic and platonic.

In addition to the emotional and psychological damage, toxic parents can also have a negative impact on their children’s physical health. Children who are neglected or abused are more likely to experience health problems, such as chronic pain, obesity, and heart disease.

Toxic parents can have a devastating impact on their children. The emotional, psychological, and physical damage that they can cause can last a lifetime

The Wrong Marriage

The effects of toxic parenting can also make it more likely that a person will end up in the wrong marriage. When you don’t have a healthy foundation to build on, it’s easy to fall into patterns of codependency, control, and abuse. You may also be more likely to choose someone who is emotionally unavailable or who has their own toxic traits.

The darkest reality of a wrong marriage is that it can trap you in a toxic family. A toxic family is one where the members are emotionally, physically, or verbally abusive to each other. They may be controlling, manipulative, or neglectful. They may put their own needs ahead of the needs of others. They may make others feel worthless or unloved.

When you marry into a toxic family, you are not just marrying one person. You are marrying their entire family system. You are marrying into a world of dysfunction, chaos, and pain

Growing up in a toxic family is like living in a dark, twisted world. It’s a world where you’re constantly walking on eggshells, never knowing when you’re going to make someone angry or upset. It’s a world where you’re constantly criticized, belittled, and made to feel like you’re never good enough. It’s a world where you’re afraid to express your true feelings, for fear of being punished or rejected.

The darkest reality of a toxic family is that it can steal your childhood. It can rob you of the love, support, and guidance that you need to grow and thrive. It can leave you feeling lost, alone, and afraid.

.”The family is a place where love should be boundless, but often the boundaries are blurred and the love is tainted’’

The only way to heal from the pain of a toxic family is to create a new family for yourself.You are not alone. There are millions of people who have been raised in toxic families. You are not to blame for what happened to you.You deserve to be loved and respected. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to create a healthy and loving life for yourself.It is never too late to start healing. You can break the cycle of toxicity and create a new beginning for yourself.

I was born into a family of darkness,
Where love was a foreign concept.
I was raised by monsters,
Whose only goal was to tear me down.

They told me I was worthless,
That I would never amount to anything.
They made me feel like I was a burden,
And that I would never be good enough.

I grew up feeling lost and alone,
Like I didn’t belong anywhere.
I was filled with self-doubt,
And I didn’t know how to love myself.

But then I realized that I didn’t have to live like this.
I didn’t have to let my family define me.
I could choose to be happy,
And to create a life that was full of love and light.

I’m still healing from the pain of my childhood,
But I’m getting stronger every day.
I’m learning to love myself,
And I’m creating a family of my own
That is filled with love and acceptance.

I know that I’m not alone,
There are many people who have been through what I’ve been through.
We can heal together,
And we can create a better future for ourselves

We are not our families,
We are not defined by their abuse.
We are strong,
We are resilient,
And we will overcome.

