Re-design DealCart App: A Group Buying Social Commerce Platform — An Evaluative UX Case Study

Amnah Motani
7 min readMay 24, 2023


I undertook this project for a one-week solo design challenge to test and enhance my design thinking abilities by developing a probable solution for Dealcart: Pakistan’s first group buying platform that allows users to buy together and save together!

About Dealcart:

A Pakistani startup which is revolutionizing the existing e-commerce structure which offers user the opportunity to buy and save together by allowing them to purchase everyday essentials in group. By allowing users to buy in groups and sharing deals on WhatsApp and other social media platforms, DealCart will empower customers and give them the ability to place larger orders versus buying alone. This will unlock lower prices and provide an engaging new way to shop.


The objective of this project was to improve the user experience, increase engagement, and drive sales by enhancing the app’s usability to stay ahead of competitors.

Problem Statement:

To identify opportunities to make usability better for the users which will increase retention and lead to an increase of average order value and reducing bounce rate.


  • Age group: Anyone using android mobile

To cater the needs of the majority of users who prioritize affordability by unlocking value for them through cost-effective solutions.

  • Needs:

Cost savings: To access exclusive discounts and offers available specially through group orders to enjoy lower prices and potentially save money on grocery purchases.

Convenience and efficiency: A convenient way to place group orders with friends, family, or colleagues for save time and effort.

Social engagement: To enhances social engagement by enabling customers to plan and shop together, fostering a sense of community and shared experiences.

Problem Evaluation :

a) Heuristic Evaluation

I conducted a Self Heuristic Evaluation by testing each heuristic against every screen and noted down which heuristic were being violated and what are the scope of improvements.

Top insights from Heuristic Evaluation :


  • The overall layout of banner is not so convincing to let customer know about the latest deals and discounts.
  • Inconsistency of button design e.g. games, rewards and story to interact with them at first place.
  • Product category section should be more categorized to engage user to explore more products and deals
  • “View all” option besides the category is useless as it displays the same categories showing on homepage.
  • The button in bottom for limited time offer is an extra effort to attract the customer as it is still not fulfilling the idea. It is less interactive plus gives another look for the products which are on discounts.

Product Page:

  • The product image should be larger and allow zooming for users to view small details and read information easily.
  • The share and earn button should be prominently placed at the front of the screen to grab the user’s attention conveniently.
  • Consistency in design should be maintained for information sections such as cash on delivery, return policy, and free delivery.
  • The product information should be more descriptive, providing comprehensive details to help users make informed decisions.
  • The heading under the product image should be displayed in a bold font for better emphasis and readability.

Checkout Page:

  • After selecting a lot of items if the user wants to deselect everything, they has to click the minus button so many times until the quantity shows zero.
  • The item should be made interactive, allowing users to click on it and review the details and information of the product again for their convenience.

Block account popup:

For user convenience, the WhatsApp button in the popup should be interactive, allowing users to easily contact support on spot.

Primary research:

By incorporating usability testing as a method within my primary research, helps me to specifically focusing on evaluating the usability and user experience aspects of the product. Usability testing allows to gather direct feedback from users, observe their interactions, and identify usability issues or areas for improvement.

I conducted interviews with three of my friends to have them download the app and explore its features. Throughout the process, I carefully observed and noted every action they took to perform tasks within the app. Through this examination, I identified several problems that they encountered, which ultimately hindered them from placing direct orders. By closely analyzing their interactions and experiences, I gained valuable insights into the usability issues and limitations that exist within the app.

Top insights:

  • With limited information, users may find it challenging to browse and explore different product categories or find specific items of interest. This can result in reduced engagement and decreased time spent on the app.
  • It is essential to mention the return policy for each product, preferably as an easily recognizable icon or symbol, to ensure transparency and any concerns users may have regarding product returns. Clear visibility of the return policy helps users understand their rights and provides a sense of trust and security when making a purchase.
  • The pop-up that displays zero discount should not appear for products that do not have any discount, as it can be misleading and unnecessary for the users.
  • The checkout page lacks information regarding the estimated delivery time, which is crucial for users to plan their purchase and delivery expectations.
  • The product image displayed on the page is significantly small, making it difficult for users to examine the product’s details or read any accompanying text.


Once I collected all the insights and identified the problems, I proceeded to create low-fidelity wireframes that offer effective solutions and enhance the overall usability of the product. These sketches were aimed at addressing specific pain points and improving the user experience.

For example on homepage, to address the limited information and banners on the homepage, I sketched a revamped design that includes more informative content, eye-catching banners, and prominently features the latest deals, discounts, and featured products. This new layout ensures that users are well-informed and enticed to explore the offerings of the app.

High Fidelity Designs:


If you want to try the prototype, than here is the Figma prototype link below. Go check this out!

Future scope:

Here are some innovative solutions and features that have the potential to transform the platform and shape its future scope. These ideas aim to improve customer satisfaction and establish a competitive edge in the ever-evolving landscape of online grocery shopping. Let’s dive into the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

Order Subscription: Users can subscribe to a set of items that they frequently purchase, with the flexibility to choose the delivery frequency (monthly, weekly). This feature simplifies the ordering process and ensures that essential items are automatically delivered at regular intervals.

Make a List: This feature enables users to create and save their personalized lists of items. These lists can be reused for placing orders quickly, eliminating the need to manually select items every time. It enhances convenience and saves time for users who have recurring shopping preferences.

Repeat Last Order: Users can easily reorder items from their previous deliveries without the need to individually select them again. This feature streamlines the reordering process, allowing users to quickly restock their preferred items with just a few clicks.


The objective of this redesign case study is to enhance the usability of the product by streamlining the interface and creating a seamless grocery discovery experience for users.

Key learning:

  • Throughout this project, I gained valuable insights into the significance of organizing layout designs effectively to optimize the user experience.
  • As a newbie to step into the world of product design, I came to know about various research methods such as heuristic evaluation in primary methodology.
  • Engaging in this project has significantly enriched my understanding and perspective of the e-commerce industry. Through brainstorming numerous ideas, I have gained valuable insights into enhancing the usability of e-commerce platforms for users. This process of generating ideas and exploring possibilities has been particularly rewarding and enjoyable.
  • Additionally, this project provided me with an opportunity to further develop my skills in using design tools such as Figma. By leveraging Figma’s capabilities, I was able to effectively shape and visualize my ideas in a unique and engaging manner.

Thanks for reading ❤️

Thank you for taking the time to read about my case study. Your interest in my work is highly appreciated, and I am open to any feedback or inquiries that you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your comments or suggestions, as I am constantly seeking ways to enhance my skills. If you need any help in your case study project too, feel free to ask: 😊

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This would motivate me to write more content and case studies. Thanks!!

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Amnah Motani

Aspiring product designer eager to make a mark in the design world. Armed with a fresh perspective and a passion for problem-solving.