The Son Rises From The East

Olusegun Amodu
2 min readSep 20, 2022



I started my career as a trainee engineer in the eastern part of Nigeria at a small engineering firm, and then rose to become a senior manager at a New York Stock Exchange listed company, all in a space of just 6 years!

A wise man once said, if you start a sentence with “a wise man once said”, people will pay attention to what you are about say. I hope that’ll be true for this documentation of my journey :)

By the time you’ll be reading this, I would have resigned as the Principal Projects Specialist at IHS Towers Nigeria — one of the biggest companies in Africa, after spending 6 years 9 months and 9 days. That is the longest I’ve stayed in any institution!

My achievements not only have a huge touch of grace (some will call it luck) but also have a massive chunk of sacrifice, painful hard-work and conspicuous hunger. Some might describe my journey as the pursuit of happiness, but I would rather call it the happiness of pursuit. I just loved going after the next thing! I guess one of the biggest lessons for me is mastering the act of being contented yet not complacent.

Fully documenting every detail in this journey would require me to write a big book, but I have tried to creatively summarize it in six chapters:

  1. Initiation: Urgent 20k

2. Planning I: Conquering the Phobia

3. Planning II: The Tests

4. Execution: Sets in the West

5. Monitoring & Controlling: Inside IHS

6. Closing: Lessons learned



Olusegun Amodu

I am passionate about building people, processes and businesses.