
Alissa Dyrkacz
1 min readNov 1, 2022


When you look into the mirror what do you see?
Do you see all the things you wish you could be?
All your dreams you wish you would seek,
But just seem so far out of reach?

Do you see all your flaws?
Too big of a nose,
Not pretty enough toes,
Don’t even get me started on the eyebrows.
Overanalyzing appearance
Never wanting to leave the house.

Do you see who you used to be?
So careless and free
The world was yours to conquer
Now you sit and ponder
What went wrong?

When you look into the mirror what do you see?
When you look into the mirror, who do you see?

When you look into the mirror imagine who you want to be
Work hard
Create a life of beauty
You’re the author
This is your story

When you look into the mirror, do you think you can see
All the possibilities
Not worrying about the probabiliites

Can you see All of your worth?
Your happiness?
Your rebirth?
The reason you were put on this very Earth?

When you look into the mirror, try to see
A human being
With fears, doubts and insecurities
But also with power, beauty, and empathy

You’re so much more than the physical eye can see
You’re a beautiful soul that wants to be free
So unlock your cage
Be who you were meant to be
Remember that you hold the keys.

When you look into the mirror, what are you going to see?



Alissa Dyrkacz

Writer, Poet, Thinker, Life enthusiast. Check out my newsletter The Promise Letter. Sent Every Tuesday! https://buttondown.email/amodyrk26