Dancing the Dilemma

Amogh Mahapatra
3 min readOct 1, 2023


Tradeoffs. Debates. Dilemmas

What does making a trade-off decision involve? It refers to being in a situation where you could acquire something desirable but at the expense of losing something valuable. For example, stealing from an unprotected store might bring significant financial gain but could also lead to an irreversible loss of respect within society. On the other hand, upholding strong ethical standards, like choosing not to use discount coupons, can enhance one’s reputation as an honorable customer, possibly at the expense of saving money.

The core of most debates, especially in applied mathematics, revolves around determining the ideal set-point for such tradeoffs. Ironically, at the heart of applied mathematics, a discipline governed by objectivity, we are confronted with seemingly “social” dilemmas. The question arises — can minor deviations from societal norms become acceptable?

There exists a universal disdain for extreme deviations from the agreed-upon set-points, be it the debauch thief or the sanctimonious pedant. In fact, whenever we sense deep wrongness in a system, it is usually because extreme deviations from previously accepted norms have become acceptable to many. For example, healthy democracies worldwide inherently engage in debates on Freedom and Equality, fundamental tenets of modernity. However, unchecked freedom can perpetuate systemic inequalities, and absolute equality can encroach upon individual freedoms. The offering of free healthcare necessitates higher taxes for some, and enjoying lower tax brackets may render education unaffordable for others. When taken to the extreme, these paradoxes highlight the increasing polarization and declining quality of civic discourse globally

Practitioners of machine learning, statistics, or optimization grapple daily with the dilemma of reconciling bias with variance. Below, this dynamic interplay is brought to life through anecdotes, where the predictable intertwines with the unexpected, crafting a dance between traditions and uncharted territories.

The Methodical Artist

Suzie, with her disciplined brush strokes — refined by her meticulous mentor — creates narratives on canvas that garner millions. However, her artistic expressions are confined to replicating her mentor’s classics, never truly exploring her own artistic soul. Her journey illustrates a set-point of high bias and low variance. Suzie’s fear is palpable — she wonders about the day her audience seeks something new, something she feels unequipped to deliver.

The Eclectic Reader

Charlie, a lover of books without boundaries, adorns his shelves with an expansive array of genres, themes, and writing styles, reflecting his boundless literary curiosity. However, his perspectives, diverse as they are, often lack depth, leaving his audience pondering the essence of his literary viewpoints in public debates. Charlie’s unbridled exploration represents high variance and low bias, highlighting the importance of synthesizing varied insights into cohesive wisdom.

The Balanced Investor

Warren, a maestro of investments, meticulously crafts his portfolio, achieving a harmonious balance between growth and risk through systematic analysis and disciplined adjustments. He represents the ideal of low bias and low variance, symbolizing the equilibrium of informed diversification and strategic consistency — an unreachable mathematical ideal many aspire to achieve.

If this ideal is typically elusive, what then is the practical solution? There is no one-size-fits-all solution to this debate; however, embracing paradoxical advice can be illuminating. The crux lies in maintaining an open mind to welcome new changes while preserving traditions. This philosophy is a dance — a dance between simplification and complexity, between structural rigidity and adaptive flexibility, between speed and rigor, and between rule establishment and rule-breaking.

This nuanced interplay and foundational contradiction are often overlooked by unidimensional perspectives. It’s not a choice between “living in the moment” or “saving for the rainy day”; it’s always about striking a balance between the two.


In all fairness, technologists navigate tradeoffs with relative ease compared to other professions. Periodic technological breakthroughs fundamentally redefine discussions and dilemmas, offering a natural bulwark against stagnation, by sparking new sets of debates and challenges.

