Eight Week of GSoC @ OpenMRS

Eunice Amoh
2 min readJul 9, 2018


This is a very productive week as I complete both the backend implementation of SDK generation with the front end implementation of the feature. I also added test cases for this feature. Finally all the pull requests are merged now after fixing the review comments.

Building Blocks of SDK Generation

Above diagram showcase the building blocs of the SDK generation. Swagger SDK generation library is used to generate the SDKs for different languages. I have used the existing swagger definition generator to populate the swagger definition for APIs that supported from the FHIR module. This definition inserted to SDK generation library along with the language that SDK should generated. I have implemented a API which wraps the underline SDK generation API which then call from the front end to download the SDK. User can select preferred language to generate the SDk which can be used to build applications on top of OpenMRS FHIR API by importing the generated SDK.

Following screenshots shows the functionality of the feature.

Generate SDK Option in Swagger Documentation Page
Popup view to generate SDK
Successful Operation Indication Popup

The SDK for the preferred language will be generated and download to the target machine which contains the zip archive name with the format of OPENMRS-FHIR-CLIENT_{language}.zip.

This will following pull requests are merged.

Front end implementation

Add all language support with tests

Next task is to write demo project using java SDK to showcase the usefulness of the feature.

