A trip to Thomas Edison National Park

Mohan Anandan
2 min readJul 20, 2024


“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Edison

One of the most memorable experiences of our recent US trip was the visit to Thomas Edison National Historical Park which preserves Thomas Edison’s laboratory and residence, Glenmont, in West Orange, New Jersey.

One of the most famous and prolific inventors of all times, Thomas Edison exerted a tremendous influence on modern life, with a record 1093 patented inventions to his credit. Besides his achievements as an incredible inventor, he was our role model and a reference point as motivator, his remarkable resilience to rise from innumerable failures, and a person who saw failure as a stepping stone for success. In our numerous speeches and presentations at the Toastmasters, he was our real hero, and we lavishly picked up and quoted his achievements, struggles, failures, and rags to riches story, to inspire and motivate our fellow toastmasters. In other words, we eulogized his achievements and hard work.

It was a long-cherished desire to visit the edifice built by Edison and to personally see and feel the presence of our hero and his great life, by being there recollecting the stories and speeches that we have shared and delivered.

As we drove along the Main Street of West Orange, New Jersey, the brick building that housed Edison’s legendary labs, stood there quietly, telling its own stories of a bygone era, where research, development and innovation co-habited. It was like travelling back in time, seeing that legend and his work, through the edifice of his laboratory. The lab and home are now preserved by the National Park Service, under the US Department of Interior, for future generations to understand, appreciate, and feel proud of his contributions and achievements.

Legends such as Thomas Edison do not belong to USA nor any specific country alone. They belong to the entire world and their legacy will last beyond time and geographical boundaries.



Mohan Anandan

Believes in the power of words and thoughts; keen observer of Nature and life. Byline : Writing is cathartic and discovery of self.