Future of Art: Revolutionizing the Art World with AI

Amol Wagh
8 min readFeb 9, 2023


Revolutionizing the Art World with Artificial Intelligence!!
*Auto-generated from Open AI — DALL·E 2

Have you ever found yourself lost in thought, imagining the impossible? A world where the clouds are made up of cotton candy, or a pyramid made up of glass in a desert, or where a bicycle can fly? Well, imagine no more, because Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to turn your wildest imaginations into reality.

Egypt Pyramid, Flying Bicycle, Cotton candy clouds
Generated from Open AI — DALL·E 2 using MS Designer

Have you ever considered yourself an artist? Once I didn’t, but then I realized that technology could unleash everyone’s imaginative potential. In this article, I’ll share my experience creating first AI masterpiece, from fledgling to remarkable outcomes. I have used OpenAI DALL·E 2 for this and will explain about this technology.

In this blog, we will dive into the underlying technology of OpenAI DALL·E2 and explore some of its most promising use cases.

Quick Overview

OpenAI DALL·E 2 is a groundbreaking artificial intelligence (AI) system that has taken the world of art by storm. This AI model has been trained to generate highly imaginative and creative images based on textual descriptions. OpenAI DALL·E 2 is a significant advance in the field of AI and has the potential to revolutionize the way artists, creatives, and even businesses approach image generation.

Let’s start with examples and use cases first:

I wanted to quickly check how bowtie look like on golden retriever, so I used the below prompts -

A digital frame of a golden retriever in white color with red bowtie

Golden Retriever with red bowtie — AI Pet!
Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2

A digital photo frame a golden retriever in white color with red bowtie and green field in background

Golden Retriever in frame
Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2

We can try several other combinations of jacket, santa cap, winter coat, leash, etc. Also, photo frame of golden retriever on the wall in gallery!

Golden retriever in art gallery
Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2

Next, I tried with 3D images:

3D futuristic city with floating cars

Futuristic City With Flying Cars
Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2

Some Imaginations!

Robots meditating in a vipassana retreat.

Robots meditating in a vipassana retreat
Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2
Robots on meditation !
Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2

3D high definition floating city with a waterfall made of rainbows

floating city with a waterfall made of rainbows
Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2

A fall landscape with a small cottage next to lake

Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2

An ancient roman empire digital 3D art

Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2

A digital portrait of a cyborg with built-in technology

Cyborg with built in technology
Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2

Also, you can choose any of the generated image and regenerate different variations from it, as below ->

Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2

You can also edit the image and add/update colors or objects.

A futuristic cityscape with towering 3D holographic buildings

futuristic cityscape with towering 3D holographic buildings
Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2

It can generate sketches as well as digital arts.

3D Digital art of India’s independence in 1947

India’s independence in 1947 — Digital Art
Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2
Generated from Open AI — DALL·E 2 using MS Designer

And now back to the business. This will not only help in creating digital arts, 3D images, portrait etc. but also numerous cases for quick designing and modification to the products — sneakers, shirts, garments, carpet, bottles, packaging, automobile, and many more!

Check the below examples:

3D Digital photo of sneaker in red and white color

Cool Sneaker With Red and White !!
Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2
Variety of cool Sneakers!!
Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2

And then you can choose style, multiple colors, features, etc.

Digital photo of sneaker in white and orange color, plain background, close up, 4k resolution, viewed from top, studio lighting

Sneakers with orange & white!
Generated from Open AI — DALL·E 2 using MS Designer
Sneakers with blue, red, white and flag colors!
Generated by OpenAI DALL.E 2

“Digital photo of Jersey in white and orange color, dark background, close up, 4k resolution, viewed from front, studio lighting, 4k resolution”

Jersey with orange and white
Generated from Open AI — DALL·E 2 using MS Designer

Use Cases:

OpenAI DALL·E 2 has a wide range of potential use cases, and its applications are only limited by imagination. Here are some of the most promising use cases for this AI system:

  1. Artistic Creation: OpenAI DALL·E 2 can be used as a tool for artists and creatives to generate unique and imaginative images. The model’s ability to generate photorealistic and abstract images makes it a versatile tool for artists looking to explore new and innovative forms of expression.
  2. Product Design: OpenAI DALL·E 2 can be used to generate images of product designs and prototypes, making it a valuable tool for businesses in the product design and manufacturing industry.
  3. Marketing and Advertising: OpenAI DALL·E 2 can be used to generate eye-catching and imaginative images for marketing and advertising campaigns. The model’s ability to generate photorealistic images makes it an ideal tool for businesses looking to create impactful and memorable advertisements.
  4. Virtual Reality and Gaming: OpenAI DALL·E 2 can be used to generate images for virtual reality and gaming applications. The model’s ability to generate highly imaginative and abstract images makes it an ideal tool for game developers looking to create immersive and captivating virtual worlds.
  5. Enhanced Visual Results on Search Engine: Search engines can use Artificial Intelligence APIs like DALL.E 2 to generate images that match a user’s query, providing a more visually appealing and informative experience. For example, if someone searches for “Deer dancing in the snow,” the search engine can return not only text-based results but also images generated by DALL.E 2 that match the description. By providing visually appealing results, DALL.E 2 can increase user engagement with search engines. Users are more likely to stay on the search engine’s website and continue searching if they find the results to be visually appealing and relevant. With Artificial Intelligence DALL.E 2, images can be generated on the fly, without the need for a pre-existing library of images. This can save time and resources for search engines, making it possible to provide up-to-date and relevant results more quickly.
    Search engines like Bing can use this in near future. Experience search like never before with Bing and AI DALL.E 2 — search with visuals!


OpenAI DALL·E 2 is a transformer-based deep learning model that uses text-to-image synthesis to generate images from textual descriptions. This model has been trained on a massive dataset of over 10 million images and can generate a wide range of images, from photorealistic to highly imaginative and abstract. OpenAI DALLE2 is a major improvement over its predecessor, DALL·E, and has the ability to generate images that are even more detailed and accurate.

Underlying Technology:

OpenAI DALL·E 2 is built using a transformer architecture, which is a type of deep neural network. Transformer models are highly effective at processing sequential data, such as text, and have been used in a wide range of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. In the case of OpenAI DALL·E 2, the transformer model is used to process the textual description of an image and generate an image from that description. The model uses an encoder to process the text input and a decoder to generate the image output. [Please refer my other blog: https://medium.com/@amol-wagh/open-ai-understand-foundational-concepts-of-chatgpt-and-cool-stuff-you-can-explore-a7a77baf0ee3 for the further details on transformer architecture]

Below is link for OpenAI DALL·E 2 worth to try with:


[Currently it's in preview and with limited images to generate after you sign up]

You can also write your own UI using below API interface:


C# Sample API Snippet:

// Replace with your OpenAI API key
string apiKey = "Your Api Key";
// Create a new HTTP client
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
// Add OpenAI API key to the headers
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + apiKey);
// Define the API endpoint and parameters
string url = "https://api.openai.com/v1/images/generations";
// Pass input prompts in 'inputText'
var values = new
prompt = $"{inputText}",
model = "image-alpha-001",
num_images = 2,
size = "1024x1024",
response_format = "url"

// Serialize the parameters to JSON
var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(values);
// Create a new HTTP request
var content = new StringContent(json, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var response = await client.PostAsync(url, content);
// Get the response from the API
string responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
// Parse the response JSON
JObject jsonResponse = JObject.Parse(responseString);
// Read image URL through collection
string imageUrl = jsonResponse["data"][i].Value<string>("url");

Microsoft Designer, Bing Image Creator has integration with OpenAI DALL.E 2 which is under preview, and it will come up with numerous features for editing, transforming, variations, etc. In future, I will write separate blog on same.

MS Designer:


Bing Image Creator:

Intro: Bing Image Creator App (source from YouTube)


With significant improvements in AI, models and algorithms there are many other companies building massive products (Microsoft Designer & Bing Image Creator are one of those!). Artificial Intellignece art has the potential for huge disruption. Traditional art will still continue to exist as value is generated by individual creativity and also imagination will go on another level using AI tools for artists! AI has the power to turn words into stunning and captivating images, opening a world of endless possibilities. In upcoming years usage of AI art will be rising and significant disruptions to the art market. Whether you’re an artist, designer, product owner, artisan, canvasser, game developer, researcher, scientist, entrepreneur, or just someone with an active imagination, such tools you need to bring your ideas to life. So go ahead, unleash your imagination, and let OpenAI DALL·E 2 and other products take you on!

I will continue to research on AI art, APIs and try to provide more creative updates here.

Many thanks for taking time to read! I appreciate every clap or comment and be part of my group to get further updates.

*Note: Some of the contents from this article generated by Chat GPT 3.5.



Amol Wagh

Solution Architect | I write about Tech, Dev, Projects Management & Life! | Let's Inspire Everyone on the Planet!