Amolika SrivastavainCommunication Design Fundamentals | Spring 2019Assignment 5: Visual Book“To delight a child, to add a new joy to the crowded miracles of childhood, is no less worth doing than to leave a Sistine Chapel to…May 13, 2019May 13, 2019
Amolika SrivastavainCommunication Design Fundamentals | Spring 2019Assignment 4: Event Posters“The role of a designer is that of a good, thoughtful host anticipating the needs of his guests” — Charles EamesMar 31, 2019Mar 31, 2019
Amolika SrivastavainCommunication Design Fundamentals | Spring 2019Exercise: Pen Tool Animal (3.5.19)Objective: trace an animal of your choosing using the pen tool on IllustratorMar 6, 2019Mar 6, 2019
Amolika SrivastavainCommunication Design Fundamentals | Spring 2019Exercise: Sketching 101Sketching basics and magazine gridsFeb 28, 2019Feb 28, 2019
Amolika SrivastavaAssignment 3: Type Specimen Poster (2.26.19)“Digital design is like painting, except the paint never dries.” (Neville Brody)Feb 26, 2019Feb 26, 2019
Amolika SrivastavainCommunication Design Fundamentals | Spring 2019Exercise: Typographic Hierarchy (2.12.19)Are you working for the reader or are you asking the reader to work? (N. Felde)Feb 12, 2019Feb 12, 2019
Amolika SrivastavainCommunication Design Fundamentals | Spring 2019Exercise: Typographic Voice & Tracing (2.7.19)Typographic VoiceFeb 7, 2019Feb 7, 2019
Amolika SrivastavaCDF Project 1: Identifying Communication DesignMy name is Amolika Srivastava, and I’m a sophomore studying Business Administration. I’m taking this class in order to formally learn…Jan 17, 2019Jan 17, 2019