London, Ontario: The London No One Cares About

A little — make that very little — love for the overlooked northern city

Amol Shrikhande


Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Tons of North American cities were named after their British counterparts.

Often, the shadow doesn’t loom so large.

Birmingham, Alabama, for instance, can easily hang with its namesake, as can the hypereducated Cambridge, Massachusetts.

And in some cases — New York being a prime example — student can even surpass teacher.

But when it comes to London, Ontario…ouch!

That said, because I’m forever an advocate of the underappreciated city, it must be known that the Canadian London is…okay.

Located in southern Ontario, otherwise known as the warmish part of Canada, the London region boasts a not-negligible population that in recent times has exceeded half a million. That figure places it in the same company as several metropolitan areas with enviable brands — the likes of Huntsville, Alabama; Youngstown, Ohio; and Scranton-Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

Nestled between two cutting-edge American metropolises — Buffalo and Detroit — London is known for providing its residents with countless day trip options. Within painless driving distance are the must-see Canadian cities of…



Amol Shrikhande

I could have a niche, but I know what life in a niche is like. And trust me when I tell you—this is way more fun.