5 ways for good sleep

Jihyun Yoo
3 min readMar 29, 2020


I have a not good sleep habit these days. The first is I see a cell phone or pad until going to bed. The second is I have an irregular sleeping pattern. The problem is I don’t have any special reasons for doing that.

I read ‘Everything about sleep’ to recover a regular sleeping pattern. I decided to put sleep into my to-do list and priority after I read it. It says if we don’t sleep enough time, we will get ‘sleep debt’. We can’t pay the debt or store it in advance. While sleeping, our body washes away waste things in the body. It is very important for anti-aging. So what we have to do for good sleep?

1. Get light in the morning

We have a biological clock in our bodies. When we get enough light, the clock is initialized. If you want to overcome the jetlag, you need to get light as soon as you arrived there.

Photo by Han Lahandoe on Unsplash

2. Keep your core temperature low before going to bed

The temperature is not skin temperature but core temperature what is in our body. You’d better keep your core temperature not that high for a good night’s sleep. So the book advises not to wear sleeping socks while sleeping. And it’s better to finish workout or taking a bath at least 90 minutes before going to bed. It could raise core temperature.

Photo by Simon Matzinger on Unsplash

3. Have breakfast

Having breakfast affects the biological clock. Chewing send a signal and stimulate. If we take nourishment, the body temperature increases and prepare to act. And It’s better to have a light dinner and not to eat three hours before going to bed. Overeating hinders good sleep because we have to digest food.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

4. Do physical activity

During the day, we have to do enough activity. It’s similar to trying to put babies to sleep. It sends a signal to the biological clock. It’s good for our health also.

Photo by Nicolas Picard on Unsplash

5. Have a regular habit all the time

In my case, I have enough sleep only weekend. But it accumulates sleep debt and there’s no way to recover. We have to sleep and wake up at a certain time every day.

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

If we reduce sleep time, it reduces life span. What we need to reduce is waste time, not sleep. I hope you already have a good sleep habit. If not, I recommend that book.

1. Get light in the morning

2. Keep your core temperature low before going to bed

3. Have breakfast

4. Do physical activity

5. Have a regular habit all the time



Jihyun Yoo

I believe in the power of persistence and continuous effort. :)