Progressive Web Applications — Disrupting the App Market

What is a PWA? What’s the difference between PWA and Native App? And more of your questions answered…

Hanna Johnson
4 min readJul 12, 2018


Progressive Web Applications are becoming increasingly popular on the web. Companies like BMW, Uber, Washington Post, Forbes, and AliBaBa (just to name a few) have all created a PWA. PWA’s are revolutionizing mobile experiences for a variety of reasons, but before we dive in to why PWA’s can compete with Native Applications — we will define what a Progressive Web Application actually is.

What is a Progressive Web App?

PWAs are essentially, apps for the web that look and feel like native IOS or Android apps. The main difference is that instead of working on one designated platform (IOS or Android) PWAs work on most modern web browsers and devices — regardless of whether the browser is running on IOS or Android.

You can think of a Progressive Web App like a native application, except instead of being stored on your device, it’s stored on your browser. Over the past 5 years, browser technology has become increasingly powerful — powerful enough that the modern day browser can store (cache) full websites, similar to how an IOS device can store an IOS application. Which allows us to build web apps — or rather, apps built for browsers.

What makes Progressive Web Apps progressive?

PWAs are progressive because they progressively gain App like functionality.

  • Finding and launching a PWA, is actually the same as opening up a regular website for first time.
  • During that first visit, each page viewed is cached on the browser — enabling for offline capabilities later on. — this is the first progression towards app-like functionality.
  • Next, the PWA website pushes a prompt to the user to install the PWA on to the homescreen — this is the second progression towards app-like functionality as the PWA appears on the users device, just like other native apps.
  • Finally, the PWA will ask the user to allow for push notifications — which is yet another progression towards full app-like functionality.

Similarly to how a PWA progresses itself in to an ‘App’, it can also regress itself to suit the browsers capabilities — for example, if the browser does not support service workers (enabling offline capabilities), the user will still be prompted to ‘install’ the app on to their device, and allow for push notifications. If the browser does not support PWA at all, it will simply appear like a regular website.

PWA’s are unlike native applications because they are:

  • Responsive — PWAs are natively built with responsive design and adjust to any screen — the same PWA will work on your desktop, TV screen, tablet, etc.
  • Device-Neutral — PWAs are hosted on web-browsers regardless of what the browser is running on (IOS, Android, Windows, etc).
  • Progressive and Regressive — PWAs ‘progress’ and ‘regress’ accordingly, ensuring that whatever the platform or device — users will be able to access content.
  • Discoverable — PWAs are discoverable through any web browser and are compatible with SEO activity (like regular websites). Additionally, PWA websites can be shared through chat, email, social media, etc.

PWA’s are like native applications because they are:

  • Offline-Capable — Because of service workers, PWAs are cached in the browser and accessible offline.
  • High Performance — PWA’s load fast, provide fast page transitions, and ensure their content does not jump while the page loads. This is again because of service worker technology, and pre-caching the website on the browser.
  • Installable — can be installed on to the device’s home screen
  • Capable of push notifications — PWA’s have controls to enable and disable push notifications
  • Integrated with the device — PWA’s can utilize device capabilities such as Camera and GPS — which once was an exclusive functionality of native applications. There are a few components such as the flashlight that PWA’s can’t control yet — but this is quickly evolving.

Gartner predicts that by 2020 PWA’s will replace 50% of consumer-facing apps. So — why are PWAs able to compete so effectively with native applications?

  1. Saving resources — Businesses only need to hire developers to create one PWA which will work across all devices — this vastly reduces the cost and time spent on building and maintaining a website, an IOS app and an Android app.
  2. Simplified Updates / Maintenance — PWA’s can be updated seamlessly and immediately — for example, if a company needs to perform a security update, change their branding, or share an important message with their users — the changes will be immediately visible in the PWA without requiring users to install an app update. Likewise — the changes only need to be made (or updated) on the PWA as opposed to having to make an update on a website, IOS app, and Android app.
  3. Discovery — PWA’s are easier to find through a regular browser search, and compatible with SEO activity.
  4. Decrease download friction — PWA’s are installed straight from the site without needing to be downloaded through an app store — making it faster, lighter, and easier for users — ultimately increasing the likelihood of a PWA taking up real estate on a user’s home screen.
  5. Storage — Additionally, PWA’s use 25x less device storage than native apps.
  6. Speed — PWA’s load faster, and more reliably than native application counterparts.

As we continue our ‘shift to mobile’ businesses must continue to focus on a digital experience that extends beyond vanity — and ensures a fast, reliable interaction for users. If you’re curious about incorporating a PWA in to your digital strategy — please feel free to contact us at WebTales or for advice.

If you’re concerned about the mobile optimization of your site, and speed ranking factors please reach out to us at, we’d be happy to provide our advice and consultation on your web development goals.

