CS 373 Spring 2023: Amro Kerkiz

Amro Kerkiz
3 min readFeb 13, 2023


What did you do this past week?

This past week I was mostly recovering from being sick, and catching up again on all the assignments that I had due. I started to get back into a regular habit in the gym as well and am feeling a lot healthier than the week before. I was also able to meet up with my group early and get our project accepted and assigned responsibilities for portions of the project.

What’s in your way?

Being assigned a backend part of the project dealing with RESTful APIs, I plan on learning how to use APIs pulling all necessary information needed for the project, as well as finishing up any remaining parts of Phase 1 needed.

What will you do next week?

Next week our group needs to be able to create a presentable project that showcases all the needed features for Phase 1 of the project, including the home page, the about page, the 3 models, and 3 instances of each model. I will work with the front-end portion of our team to use the data I collect and help create those instances.

What did you think of Paper #5. The Single Responsibility Principle?

I enjoyed reading the paper assigned to us this week. It touched a lot on organization techniques whenever it comes to coding and grouping up different responsibilities. It is important for the person coding and anyone else looking at the code or even just using it to understand what a certain class does and the responsibilities associated with it.

What was your experience with iterators, reduce, and operators?

I've had prior experience with iterators earlier in my Freshman year at U.T primarily in Java, but I have mostly not had to use it outside of class. The reduce function is very useful to know as there are higher-order functions that call on other functions and it is important to know how those work. I have not had experience with operators before but it is also useful to know as it helps reduce overall runtime with certain operations, providing functions for each as well.

What made you happy this week?

What made me happy this week was getting over my sickness. I was able to catch up on a lot of assignments so I was able to get rid of a lot of stress concerning that. I also started getting back into my gym routine which made me happy as well.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick of the week is using bootstraps website to learn how to style a lot of components when working on the first phase of the project. The framework includes a lot of detail on how to properly use each style, making your project look a lot better with not too much complexity coding-wise.

