10 Things I Wish I had Known before my Kidney Transplant

AMRI Hospital
3 min readSep 20, 2022
10 Things I Wish I had Known before my Kidney Transplant

If you have an end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or kidney failure, you can save your life with a kidney transplant. However, you must know certain things before undergoing the transplant procedure.

I am not saying that your healthcare team won’t tell you about the procedure. But there are certain things that a patient experiences during his/her transplant journey.

Since I faced it myself, I would share with you a few things I wish I had known before my kidney transplantation.

1. Besides Nephrologists, You Need Other Specialists to Monitor Your Health

Many kidney transplant patients get their treatment done by nephrologists. But patients need even more specialists like a general practitioner, dentist, and dermatologist to take better care.

2. You Need Pre-medication Before Going to a Dentist

When undergoing a transplantation procedure, a patient is at risk of forming other infections, including oral problems. Therefore, it is best to take immunosuppressant (anti-rejection) pre-medication before visiting a dentist. You need to consult your healthcare team before doing so.

3. Transplant Cost is Higher

You need to know that the kidney transplant cost in Kolkata is higher than other medical procedures because of the complexity of the transplant. So, you need to think about managing the finances when planning for transplantation.

4. Transplanted Organs Don’t Last Forever

You must know that transplanted organs are not going to last forever. For instance, a kidney transplant may last for up to 10–11 years if you maintain a good diet and healthy lifestyle.

5. Decrease Germ Exposure

Transplant recipients are at higher risk of developing various infections due to immunosuppressant medicines. So, avoid germ exposure. However, don’t get too carried away. After all, you cannot remain in a protective bubble feeling scared of germs. Just follow proper hand washing with antibacterial soap or use hand sanitizer for maintaining hygiene.

6. Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure

Excessive sun exposure may lead to various skin problems. Plus, it can easily tire outpatients. To avoid that, you must limit your time in the sun. Or if you want to go out, wear a sunscreen and hat.

7. Prescriptions May Change

Not all kidney transplant patients need to get the same medication. The medications vary from patient to patient as per their condition, age, and other factors. So, it is best to trust your doctor in this matter.

8. Don’t Stress

Being a kidney transplant patient, you need to keep stress levels low. For, stress affects your health and overall immune system. So, try to avoid stress by following some easy techniques. For instance, you must try to avoid conflict, find faith in the community, and focus on the positive side of life.

9. Don’t Feel You are Alone

Don’t stress thinking that you are alone facing this condition. Try talking to other patients undergoing transplantation. Together you can share the same experiences. This way, you are more likely to feel better and find relief while talking about your transplant.

10. Take Care of Yourself

After a kidney transplant, do follow a healthy lifestyle and eat right. It will ensure your transplant lasts longer.

So, these are some things you need to know before a kidney transplant in Kolkata. If you have any confusion, consult your doctor to find the answers to your queries.

Also, Visit here: What do Patients feel after a Cancer Diagnosis?



AMRI Hospital

AMRI Hospitals Ltd is the premier private healthcare provider in Eastern India, with three super specialty hospitals at Dhakuria, Mukundapur, and Salt Lake.