How to Treat a Fatty Liver Disease?

AMRI Hospital
3 min readMay 2, 2023
How to Treat a Fatty Liver Disease?

Fatty liver disease occurs frequently due to the liver’s excessive fat storage. Most people don’t have any signs, which don’t hurt them. According to the best liver hospital in Kolkata, in some cases, it can damage the liver.

The good news is that you can often stop or even cure fatty liver disease by changing your lifestyle.

What is the Condition of a Fatty Liver?

Steatosis, or fatty liver disease, is a common problem when your liver gets too fat. A good liver has little fat in it. When fat makes up 5% to 10% of your liver’s weight, it becomes a problem.

What are the Different Kinds of Fatty Liver?

There are two main categories of fatty liver disease:

1. Fatty Liver Disease Caused by Alcohol

Alcoholism is a known cause of fatty liver disease. This type of liver disease affects about 5% of people in the US.

2. Alcohol-Independent Fatty Liver Disease

People who don’t drink a lot can get fatty liver disease (NAFLD) that isn’t caused by alcohol. One in three American adults and one in ten youngsters suffer from this illness.

Researchers haven’t found the exact cause of fatty liver disease that isn’t caused by drinking. Several things, such as being overweight or having diabetes, can increase your chance.

What Makes Fatty Liver Happen?

The best liver hospital in Kolkata suggests some people get a fatty liver disease even though they have no other health problems.

But these things make it more likely that you will get it:

  • Being too heavy or obese.
  • Having insulin resistance or Type-2 diabetes.
  • Having metabolic syndrome, which includes insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high lipid levels.
  • Drugs like diltiazem (Cardizem), tamoxifen (Nolvadex), amiodarone (Cordarone), and steroids are examples of what can go wrong when you take them.

What Do People With Fatty Liver Disease Feel Like?

It is common for people with fatty liver disease to be oblivious to their condition until it has progressed to cirrhosis of the liver.

Symptoms, if you have them, could include:

  • Stomach cramping, especially on the right side, or a full sensation (belly).
  • Feeling sick, losing your hunger, or losing weight.
  • Skin that is yellow and eyes that are white (jaundice).
  • Stomach and legs swell up (edema).
  • Extreme tiredness or mental confusion.
  • Weakness.

How Do You Treat Fatty Liver Disease?

No medicine treats fatty liver disease in particular. Instead, the best liver doctor in Kolkata helps you deal with things that make your situation worse.

They also suggest changing your life, which can greatly affect your health. Avoiding drinking is part of the treatment.

  • Getting thin.
  • Taking diabetes, cholesterol, and triglyceride medicines (fat in the blood).
  • Taking vitamin E and thiazolidinediones (drugs like Actos® and Avandia® that treat diabetes) in certain situations.

How can People Avoid Getting Fatty Liver Disease?

For optimal health and to prevent fatty liver disease, it is recommended that you:

  • Keep your weight healthy. It is best to reduce weight gradually if you are overweight or obese.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Limit your alcohol usage.
  • Take your medicine as directed.


The best way to treat fatty liver disease is to change your habits that are good for your liver. When fatty liver disease is caught early and managed, the damage it causes can be reversed. Talk to the best liver doctor in Kolkata for the best treatment.

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AMRI Hospital

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