When do you need to see a Dermatologist?

AMRI Hospital
3 min readOct 7, 2022

Pimples, wrinkles and blemishes are some common skin issues that everyone faces. But certain skin conditions may affect the skin adversely. Some may lead to mild symptoms while others cause serious skin issues.

For instance, pain, redness, itching, pus and rashes are some signs that indicate you need to see a dermatologist.

You need to look for the best dermatologist in Kolkata to treat your skin, nails and hair issues. After the treatment, your skin will appear smooth and get healthy from within. But how do you know when to see a dermatologist?

Here are a few conditions that indicate it’s time to see a dermatologist:

1. You have a New or Changing Mole

Melanomas are one of the dangerous types of skin cancer that appear like moles or brown spots. You need to keep an eye on the mole’s colour, size and shape. If you find a new mole out of nowhere, it indicates visiting a doctor.

The earlier you go to a doctor, the quicker you will identify a skin condition and treat it on time. Catching it early can make a difference.

2. Lesion that’s not Healing

Basal cell carcinoma is another common type of skin cancer. It appears as a red, skin-coloured, sometimes dark-coloured bump with a border. If you find any such coloured mole on the skin, immediately go to a dermatologist.

If there is anything serious, a skin specialist will help you cure it with the right medication.

3. More than Usual Hair Fall

According to experts, it is normal if you lose around 50 to 100 hair stands every day. But if it is more than that and you are observing unusual hair thinning or bald spots, immediately visit a dermatologist. There are various reasons you may be losing your hair.

So, a dermatologist can identify the cause and give you the right medication as a solution. However, if you think of waiting for long, the hair follicles may get scared. So, it becomes hard to grow new hair in these areas.

4. Your Pimples are Painful and Deep

Breakouts happen but are treatable with good over-the-counter medicines. But if acne is cystic (which means the blemishes are within your skin and quite painful and red), you need to see a dermatologist ASAP. For, this sort of acne may lead to unwanted scarring. You can prevent scarring if you treat it early with accurate therapies.

Your dermatologist may prescribe you some pills, medications or injections for reducing cystic acne while preventing scarring. Even chemical peels, micro-needling and lasers may help. But you need to look for specialists for such treatments.

5. Consider Annual Skin Check-ups

Go for your annual skin check. The annual skin check-up is a must for early skin cancer detection, especially melanoma. If diagnosed and treated early, skin cancer is curable. If not treated on time, it may spread to other body parts and become fatal. Therefore, you must consider annual skin check-ups to keep your skin healthy.

These are some conditions when you need to go to a dermatologist. Consider going to the best skin hospital in Kolkata to ensure you get the best possible treatment.

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