Program Manager | Amazon Web Services |Aurora, Illinois, United States

Amrit Bhatia is an accomplished Program Manager with a proven track record of delivering business results. With years of experience leading critical programs in top-tier tech companies, including Amazon Web Services, HERE Technologies, Grainger, GE-GENPACT, and IBM, Amrit has developed a unique ability to lead and manage programs successfully. Her expertise in creating success stories and driving growth has elevated her to a prominent position in the industry, where she continues to excel in delivering exceptional results.

Today, Amrit is a successful Program Manager at AWS with more than 18 years of experience. While building HERE Maps, she had previously supported BIG data, AI, robotics, and machine learning programs at HERE Technologies. Amrit supported the development of the digital platform for Grainger, which makes it more customer-focused. Prior to joining WW.Grainger, played a crucial role in GE-GENPACT building successful software and leading field engineers. Furthermore, she trained a number of teams and led Kaizen to remove waste during the process, which was both cost-effective and waste-free.

What do achievements mean to you?

Creating a positive impact and leading without authority is an achievement for me. In my past experiences, I have learned that achievement means different things to different people, so how I define achievement is something that creates a positive energy in an individual or entity.

What excites you most about the work that you do?

Besides delivering successful programs, being a Program Manager gives me the opportunity to make a positive impact on people and influence them to accomplish their goals. In my role as a Program Manager, I am able to transform lives and stay with what I love, which is technology and innovation. The most enjoyable aspect of my job is working with others, whether they are program managers, subject matter experts, senior development executives, leadership, or customers. As a result, I'm not only delivering really high-quality products, but I'm also providing solutions to problem or company visions. Furthermore, I take pride in knowing I've contributed to time and cost savings through my products and team members.

Do you have a mantra or motto that you live by?

I live by the mantra “dream big and work hard to achieve them”!

What makes you yourself

The ability to be innovative and solve any blockers with a simple spin..

First job

Working as a Program Developer was my first job, which mostly involved doing things no one likes.

Work philosophy

Don't stop learning and keep expanding your horizons.

Currently occupied with (business/job related activities)

Discovering new opportunities through Amazon Web Services.

Providing visibility to successful program management skills through sharing my experiences across different platforms.

Recent successes

In my professional career, I have created processes that helped my employer gain new business and provide transparency. As a result, not only did it benefit the business, but it also enabled individuals to go about their daily lives with greater ease.

What was your journey like to get where you are today

I believe in stretching myself and going the extra mile. Consistency is key, even if you don't see success right away. Have faith in yourself and keep working hard.

How do you stay motivated

You can learn from mistakes if you take them as lessons. As a result, I've been able to stay motivated, true to myself, and committed to achieving my goals.

Guiding principle

The ability to work hard, to be disciplined, to be persistent, and to be kind and generous.

Definition of leadership

Leaders who lead without authority are true leaders!

How do you learn?

Keeping a strong network of experts in my field is an integral part of my professional development.

Medium member since March 2023
Amrit Bhatia

Amrit Bhatia

Amrit Bhatia leads critical programs at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and previously at HERE Technologies, Grainger, GE-GENPACT, and IBM.