8 Tips for Website Header Design

AmritPal Singh
5 min readAug 14, 2022

There is a drastic change in websites compared to the past few years. Likewise, the presentation of the website has changed. Nowadays, everything matters from a header to the footer. You might not know what will work and what doesn’t work.

But improvisation of each element is important. Likewise, the website header design improvisation matters, since it is the first impression of the website when visitors enter the website.

So, today the website designing company in Delhi has thrown light on the website headers, where you can learn everything about it, and improve your website header design.

What is a Website Header?

The website header is the head (top) section of the web page, basically the home page. This builds the impression on your visitors, so adjoining the best website header design is important.

Earlier, people used to consider the thinner strip of the website as the header. But as time passed and website designing evolved, designers brought in various changes in the header. Where you can now place different kinds of information on the header that you need at the current times.

It is a strategic part of the respective person, you can now make large headers for all the web pages. Unlike, few designers try to make a large header for the homepage and small strips for other web pages. The website design company in Delhi thinks that following such practices will help you to maintain consistency.

What Does the Best Website Header Design Include?

You can represent your goal on the header since it is the first thing that visitors will notice on the website. Having clear and precise information and website header design can create wonders.

These are the following things you can mention as the header of your site.

  • Logo or Brand Identity
  • Information or Headline
  • Navigation Elements (Opened)
  • Search
  • Call-To-Action

From the above, you can add information like about the products or services, sales, discounts, etc. Also, it is not important to have everything on the header from above. You can mention anyone or two that you feel is important, and work on it.

Keeping the header engaging will make the users stay on the website for a longer time. Hence the website design company in Delhi has shared some tips and ideas.

Tips for Building the Best Website Header Design:

These website header design tips will help you to build the best and most suitable one for your website.

  1. Header Size:

Earlier, we talked about how header size has evolved with time and the evolution of website designing. But today, there is no proper answer, we recommend you to focus on building a normal small strip header for the website and larger for the landing pages.

Since today websites are viewed on different screen sizes and you need to focus on making the header look the same on different screens. So get rid of header size hassle, you can build a simple and small header.

2. Readable and Clear Fonts:

Consistency is the most important aspect of the website. So choosing a readable font is important, so you can maintain consistency and use it in other places on the web page.

Keep the font clear with proper spacing between words and alphabets. Along with that, readable font is most important because the users will engage from reading the very first line of the website (if information or headline is used).

3. Add Animations and Illustration:

When you create a large website header, then you can create some animations or illustrations, though illustrations are mainly preferred. This will not only engage the audience but will cover the white spaces on the header. Animations can be a great substitution to make the engaging website, interactive as well.

Since having a lot of white spaces on the header will make it look dull. Hence, you have a choice, even you can add it to make the header look sophisticated.

4. Responsive Header:

Your website is viewed and accessed by different sizes of screens. So it is necessary to maintain the header to be responsive, which they can easily view. Along with that, you need to focus on designing the website header with a similar look for small screens as well.

5. Using Relevant Images:

Using the image in the header will convey relevant and important information to the audience. Using high-quality images and vector images will help you to build the responsive header easily without any effort.

But the image should match your website and should contain the relevant information with other content of the web page. This will gain the curiosity among the audience to explore the website.

6. Adding Videos:

Making use of the videos in the website header design is a new idea or practice. The website designing company in Delhi recommends you to follow this new trend, if possible. Since it keeps the audience engaged and makes the website look lively.

Adding the animation will enhance the header and it will make the website look really cool.

7. Making the Header Shrink:

When you want to showcase the background image, which deserves to be shown. Then you can use this formula of shrinking the header; it will dissolve with the website and this will add value as well.

Hence you follow this tip to create new ideas for merging the website header design with the site.

8. Build Customized Headers:

Instead of using the website header design templates, we recommend you build a custom header, which looks authentic and can be built according to your vision and goal. Where you can design the header that your audience can engage with, you can design the header using HTML and CSS.

It will make the header lightweight and does not impact the optimization of the website.

Tips to Generate Website Header Design Ideas:

Website designing is a systematic process and the website header is part of it. The web design company in Delhi is sharing a few ideas about how to get the ideas for the website header.

  1. Looking at Best Works:

To keep the header engaging and attractive for the audience, you need to be creative and have your own ideas. You can develop this habit by looking at some of the best works across the world. This will inspire you to generate your own idea and make it a success by improving it.

2. Keeping Yourself Updated:

By keeping yourself updated, you can make remarkable changes in the header with relevant information. This will help you to deliver what your audience is looking for with advanced and aesthetic website header design.

It will help you to generate new ideas with proper functionality and design.

3. Using Templates:

If you are blank, with no ideas. Then the templates are the best options, which will turn tables for you. Using the best suitable templates and customizing them according to your needs is another best way.

Final Thoughts:

Focusing on designing the best site header is important. There are many benefits you can experience throughout time. To build the best website header design, we have shared some valuable tips, which might help you to build the best one.

Along with that, we have shared how you can generate ideas for designing the website header. You can use it to create your own! Hence, the website designing company in Delhi hopes that this blog has helped you to understand how and why to use the website header design.

