Self-Realization & Its Obscure Truths

Amritha Mukesh Bhatia
3 min readMay 27, 2023
Source: Self-Realization Painting by Yulonda Rios — Pixels

As our lives get more stuffed to bursting with stressful days & sleep-deprived nights as we have made them be. This is due to the countless tasks that we want to complete and many materialistic desires to fulfill. As sunflower grows in the direction of the sunlight, even our souls get drawn towards the divine & peaceful light of God as we progress.

With all the commotion going around us in the busy lifestyles that we have adapted to, the growth of our inner self may seem almost negligent. But once you step a foot into the peace that our soul provides, your heart will yearn for greater velocity moving towards the light of God. Some of us may be under the illusion that we have it all figured out about self-realization but the word holds much more meaning to it than its translation.

Self-realization is a sense of awareness of who we are, not as a body but as a soul. It is the belief that our purpose is beyond existing as a physical form, that we are the energy within this physical body. Most of us may know this but there is no point in being aware of it if we haven’t witnessed it, within ourselves. Our senses keep us craving for sensual pleasures and our intellectual awareness restricts us in the process.

When we are looking at branded clothes from an elite store, we may see a variety of tops, jeans, and dresses, and we appreciate the style. They may appear to be trendy jeans, tops, & dresses but they are a piece of fabric in reality. The clothing appears to be a pair of jeans or a dress, but if we drop the reality of it, i.e., the fabric, we will end up with nothing. So realization is that fabric is the truth and all the styles of clothing are a consequence of ‘fabric’.

Self-realization is not something to achieve, rather it is a process of cherishing the quintessence of a cheerful conscious with celestial power. It is a concept that can help us recognize and utilize our personage caliber to find a greater direction in life. It is difficult to acquaint oneself with the consciousness of the spiritual force within if irrational & false beliefs have taken over the mind that tends to suppress the idea of our “reality”.

Right from historic times, there is so much positive said about self-realization that the ideology has now grown to fictitious magnitudes. The idea that self-realization is a stage to reach and that an entire lifetime can be fallen short to achieve it blocks us from real self-realization. The truth about our existence is not in some other world but it is right within us, in our mindfulness, in our sentience, in us!

According to contemporary psychology, self-realization is the first & foremost rule of an individual in the hierarchy, also said to be “the crown of human experience”. To assert this concept, we don’t need to follow a particular spiritual regime (though it has a discreet virtue) or a personal Guru. Frequently, following a Guru may lead one to make a blind slave out of themselves as it is their personality that has awed us and the devotion is only towards their aura more than anything else. One must believe and follow a thought process rather than a particular person. Absorb inspiration from as many sources as possible without compromising individuality and independence.

On a conclusive note, self-realization is one’s deep desire to achieve self-love, truth, and obsolete bliss for the soul, which lasts beyond a lifetime. We have awakened souls aiming to be impartial towards the outer pleasures & aches. It is a life-changing experience and the initiation may take months, years, decades, lives, or even beyond that. The time may depend on how one discovers this timeless concept of understanding the universal truth of existence.



Amritha Mukesh Bhatia

Versatile wordsmith crafting captivating content that informs, engages, and sparks curiosity. Storyteller, researcher, and wordslinger extraordinaire.