How to Loose Excessive Body Fat

2 min readFeb 8, 2023


Loosing excessive body fat is not only a good thing but a critical one as it can reduce the risk of a host of health conditions including heart disease, diabetes and cancer. It also helps to improve the appearance of your skin and boost your self-esteem.

Human bodies are designed to store energy in the form of fat and carbohydrates. This means that when you consume a large meal your body stores this energy for future use in the form of fat cells.

The fat cells that store calories in the human body are divided into two main categories: subcutaneous and visceral. The latter is more problematic, as it can wreak havoc on your health by promoting inflammation and hijacking your hormones in the process.

Subcutaneous — This is the fat that sits just underneath your skin, cushioning bones and joints. A healthy amount of this type of fat is necessary to maintain a healthy weight, but too much can increase your risk of obesity-related diseases.

The human body has a few other types of fat, such as cholesterol and water. It’s important to keep track of your total cholesterol, as high cholesterol levels are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

There are many different methods to lose excess body fat. For example, it’s a good idea to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.

It’s also a good idea to make sure that you are consuming the proper nutrients such as protein, fiber and vitamins. A healthy diet should consist of whole foods, not processed or refined ones.

You should also make sure to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, as these are full of antioxidants and other valuable nutrients. They can also help you to feel full and satiated for longer, which is another way to shed the pounds.

A healthy diet should also consist of a variety of calorie-burning activities to keep you engaged and motivated. Aside from the usual cardio, it’s a good idea to do weight training exercises that challenge your muscles and strengthen your bones. These can help you burn more calories and lose more weight in a shorter time than traditional aerobics, says fitness expert Jillian Michaels.

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