Paul Allen

The Forgotten Genius Behind Microsoft: The Paul Allen Story 🤔💡

Amr Elharony
3 min readNov 3, 2023



Hello, corporate professionals! You’ve likely heard of Bill Gates and Microsoft, but have you ever wondered about the other genius behind the tech giant? Meet Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft whose story is often overshadowed by Gates. Let’s delve into his life, his contributions, and why he deserves more recognition. 🌟

The Early Years: Paul Allen 🎓

Paul Allen was born in 1953 in Seattle, Washington, to an academic family. His parents were heavily involved in libraries, and he attended the prestigious Lakeside School. It was here that he met Bill Gates and developed a passion for computers.

The Power of Education 📚

Just like many of us in the corporate world, Paul Allen understood the value of a good education. He scored a perfect 1600 on the SAT and attended Washington State University before dropping out for a job opportunity.

The First Venture: Traf-O-Data 🚦

Before Microsoft, Allen and Gates had a business called Traf-O-Data, aimed at digitalizing traffic surveys. Though the venture failed, it was a stepping stone to something much bigger.

The Importance of Failure 🛠️

In our corporate lives, we often face setbacks. But as Paul Allen’s story shows, failure can be a stepping stone to success.

The Birth of Microsoft 💻

In 1975, Allen and Gates founded Microsoft, initially focusing on selling a programming language interpreter. The company would later move its headquarters to Washington and gain international exposure.

The Equity Split 💼

Allen initially agreed to a 60–40 equity split with Gates, which later became 64–36. This decision would later strain their relationship, a cautionary tale for those of us in business partnerships.

The Strain and Departure 🛫

Allen was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 1982, which led to a decrease in his involvement in Microsoft. He overheard Gates and Steve Ballmer discussing reducing his equity and decided to resign in 1983.

The Value of Loyalty 🤝

In the corporate world, loyalty and trust are paramount. Allen’s departure serves as a lesson on the importance of these virtues.

Life After Microsoft 🌈

Allen’s life post-Microsoft was a mix of philanthropy and indulgence. He founded the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation and invested in various ventures, including owning sports teams like the Seattle Seahawks.

The Joy of Giving 🎁

Allen’s philanthropic efforts remind us that success isn’t just about accumulating wealth; it’s also about giving back.

Legacy and Passing 🌹

Allen passed away in 2018 due to the return of his lymphoma. He left a detailed plan for his sister, Jody Allen, to execute his philanthropic vision.

The Final Word 📜

Though he may not have been the leading voice at Microsoft, Allen’s contributions to technology and philanthropy ensure that his voice will continue to resonate.

Conclusion 🎬

Paul Allen was a visionary who co-founded Microsoft and later became a philanthropist. His story is a lesson in resilience, innovation, and the importance of giving back.

What’s Your Take? 🤔

Do you think Paul Allen is underrated? Would love to hear your thoughts!

