Week 0: GSoC With OpenMRS — 2022

Amr Salah
2 min readJun 14, 2022


Hi everyone!

The community bonding period has already ended this fast! It’s the summer of code, now!

Let me first introduce myself again, I am Amr Salaheddin Abdelhady (you can call me Amr Salah) from Egypt. I study at the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. (Just less than 1 month left to graduate, inshaAllah)

I will be working on OpenMRS Android Client Project 3.0.x. The project this year is concerned with the architecture; the primary objectives are to migrate the codebase from MVP to MVVM architecture, Java to Kotlin, integrate dependency injections and increase test coverage.

My mentor is Rohit Sharma. I am thrilled to work with him and our great community. ❤

During the community bonding period, I have:

  1. Prepared the tools I need for contributions: Bamboo CI plan for demo server reset, JIRA account, Github project repository, and my working environment.
  2. Contacted my mentor and we’ve scheduled a weekly meeting.
  3. Discussed my project proposal timeline with the mentor.
  4. Created a community discussion thread for the project on Talk.

We’ve agreed that I am going to focus on working on converting MVP architecture to MVVM as the first (and the main) stage of the project. We wanted first to deploy the app on Play Store but postponed this until we get access to Google Play Consol account of OpenMRS.

For the (first) week of the coding period (June 13 — June 19):

  1. I am going to add Hilt library to the project to use it when working with any new code.
  2. I am going to start working on a single screen in the app to convert it to MVVM (ActiveVisits package).

The following is a Github repository that I’ve created and I am gonna be updating it with my latest work (community discussion thread, JIRA issues, Medium articles) for this project:

Have a great summer! ❤

