Week 18: GSoC With OpenMRS — 2022

Amr Salah
1 min readOct 15, 2022


Hi everyone!

This week I have:

  1. Migrated addeditprovider package from MVP to MVVM. This package represents the screen that is responsible for adding a new provider to the client and the server, OR editing information of an existing provider.
  2. Migrated providerdashboard package from MVP to MVVM. This screen is responsible for displaying information of a specific provider.
  3. Converted addeditprovider package from JAVA to Kotlin. (Included in 1)
  4. Converted providerdashboard package from JAVA to Kotlin. (Included in 2)

PRs for the this work:

And great news: It is only 2 packages left to complete the main objective of the project! ❤

Have a great day!

