Week 20: GSoC With OpenMRS — 2022

Amr Salah
1 min readOct 28, 2022


Hi everyone!

This week I’ve migrated formdisplay package from MVP to MVVM. This package is related to the screen that shows different forms such as capturing vitals.

I’ve also converted all classes in this package from Java to Kotlin.

In the end, I have a big announcement: I’ve completed the main objective of the project! All package are migrated from MVP to MVVM architecture!

Also, I’ve introduced Hilt dependency injection to the project and used it in all packages. [Another objective]

Also, I’ve converted a lot more code from Java to Kotlin. Before this summer, the project consisted of nearly 75% Java, 25% Kotlin. But now, it is nearly 50% Java, 50% Kotlin! [Another objective]

The next last 2 weeks, I am going to fix some bugs in the project that I detected earlier, and continue converting more Java code to Kotlin; I am discussing this with my mentor.

Have a great day! ❤

