AbdulMajedRaja RSBreaking Free from the Calendar Chains: The Unscheduled Life and Getting Sh*t DoneYo, fellow entrepreneurs and productivity junkies! Let’s have a real talk about that colorful grid ruling our lives — the almighty…May 8May 8
AbdulMajedRaja RSinTowards Data SciencePenguins Dataset Overview — iris alternativeA simple iris-like dataset to teach Data Science ConceptsJun 17, 20201Jun 17, 20201
AbdulMajedRaja RSinTowards Data ScienceQuickly share ML WebApps from Google Colab using ngrok for freeThere’s a joke on the Internet about how most Machine Learning Models end up in a Powerpoint presentation. If you are a data scientist…May 27, 20202May 27, 20202
AbdulMajedRaja RSKNN-based Missing Value Imputation using scikit-learnMissing Values in the dataset is one heck of a problem before we could get into Modelling. A lot of machine learning algorithms demand…Dec 9, 2019Dec 9, 2019
AbdulMajedRaja RSinTowards Data ScienceGet Hand-drawn Visualization shaped Data for Teaching and ExperimentingThe need for custom/fake data that follows a specific pattern / shape / distribution for experimenting and Teaching isn’t something new…Nov 16, 2019Nov 16, 2019
AbdulMajedRaja RSinTowards Data ScienceGenerate Modern Stylish Wordcloud with stylecloudBut deep down, all of us have always wished for modern-stylish-beautiful wordclouds. That wish has become true with this new python…Nov 9, 20192Nov 9, 20192
AbdulMajedRaja RSinTowards Data ScienceCreate fake but meaningful data using {fakir}One of the problems in data science is finding the right set of dataset for the right set of problem you want to teach/learn/experiment…Oct 30, 2019Oct 30, 2019
AbdulMajedRaja RSinTowards Data ScienceHow to use H2O AutoML for Kannada MNIST Digits ClassificationKannada MNIST dataset is another MNIST-type Digits dataset for Kannada (Indian) Language. All details of the dataset curation has been…Oct 2, 20191Oct 2, 20191
AbdulMajedRaja RSinTowards Data ScienceKaggle Kernels for Beginners — A step by step guideThis is an attempt to hold the hands of a complete beginner and walk them through the world of Kaggle Kernels — for them to get started.Jul 9, 20195Jul 9, 20195