Breaking Free from the Calendar Chains: The Unscheduled Life and Getting Sh*t DoneYo, fellow entrepreneurs and productivity junkies! Let’s have a real talk about that colorful grid ruling our lives — the almighty…May 8, 2024May 8, 2024
Published inTDS ArchivePenguins Dataset Overview — iris alternativeA simple iris-like dataset to teach Data Science ConceptsJun 17, 20201Jun 17, 20201
Published inTDS ArchiveQuickly share ML WebApps from Google Colab using ngrok for freeThere’s a joke on the Internet about how most Machine Learning Models end up in a Powerpoint presentation. If you are a data scientist…May 27, 20202May 27, 20202
KNN-based Missing Value Imputation using scikit-learnMissing Values in the dataset is one heck of a problem before we could get into Modelling. A lot of machine learning algorithms demand…Dec 9, 2019Dec 9, 2019
Published inTDS ArchiveGet Hand-drawn Visualization shaped Data for Teaching and ExperimentingThe need for custom/fake data that follows a specific pattern / shape / distribution for experimenting and Teaching isn’t something new…Nov 16, 2019Nov 16, 2019
Published inTDS ArchiveGenerate Modern Stylish Wordcloud with stylecloudBut deep down, all of us have always wished for modern-stylish-beautiful wordclouds. That wish has become true with this new python…Nov 9, 20192Nov 9, 20192
Published inTDS ArchiveCreate fake but meaningful data using {fakir}One of the problems in data science is finding the right set of dataset for the right set of problem you want to teach/learn/experiment…Oct 30, 2019Oct 30, 2019
Published inTDS ArchiveHow to use H2O AutoML for Kannada MNIST Digits ClassificationKannada MNIST dataset is another MNIST-type Digits dataset for Kannada (Indian) Language. All details of the dataset curation has been…Oct 2, 20191Oct 2, 20191
Published inTDS ArchiveKaggle Kernels for Beginners — A step by step guideThis is an attempt to hold the hands of a complete beginner and walk them through the world of Kaggle Kernels — for them to get started.Jul 9, 20195Jul 9, 20195