Why you should learn Typescript rather than JavaScript in 2023.

Sahil Shah
3 min readJul 22, 2023


(Images Source: Appventurez)Typescript vs JavaScript.


In the rapidly evolving landscape of web development, staying relevant and future-proofing your skills is vital for success. In 2023, while JavaScript remains a prominent language, TypeScript has emerged as a compelling alternative that offers numerous advantages. This article explores the reasons why developers should consider learning TypeScript over JavaScript, and how this decision can elevate their coding capabilities in the exciting year of 2023.

1.Strongly Typed Nature:

TypeScript is renowned for its static typing system, enabling developers to define data types for variables, parameters, and return values. This not only catches errors during the development phase but also enhances code readability and maintainability. By spotting potential bugs early on, TypeScript empowers developers to produce robust and reliable applications, minimizing runtime surprises that have plagued JavaScript developers for years.

2. Improved Code Quality and Refactoring:

With the help of TypeScript’s static analysis, refactoring code becomes a breeze. The compiler provides instant feedback on potential issues, allowing developers to refactor their codebase with confidence. This results in cleaner, more efficient code and saves valuable time during debugging and maintenance phases. In 2023, when developers are working on large-scale projects with complex codebases, TypeScript’s refactoring capabilities become invaluable.

3. IDE and Tooling Support:

TypeScript is designed to seamlessly integrate with modern Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and code editors. Leading IDEs like Visual Studio Code have dedicated support for TypeScript, offering intelligent code completion, instant error highlighting, and better code navigation. These advanced tooling features drastically enhance the developer’s productivity, making the coding experience smoother and more enjoyable.

4. Increasing Popularity and Industry Adoption:

As of 2023, TypeScript has witnessed significant growth in popularity within the development community. Major tech companies, including Microsoft, Google, and Airbnb, have embraced TypeScript in their projects, contributing to its widespread adoption. Learning TypeScript positions developers to align with industry trends and enables them to contribute to and collaborate on large-scale projects with confidence.

5. Seamless ECMAScript Compatibility:

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, meaning all existing JavaScript code is valid TypeScript code. Developers can gradually introduce TypeScript into their projects, starting with small portions and gradually expanding its usage. This flexibility allows teams to adopt TypeScript without rewriting their entire codebase, making the transition smoother and more manageable.

6. Enhanced Productivity with Codebase Documentation:

TypeScript enables developers to document their codebase better through the use of types and interfaces. This self-documenting nature clarifies the purpose and expected behavior of functions and data structures, making it easier for team members to understand and collaborate on the code. Improved documentation enhances the overall productivity of developers, leading to faster development cycles and smoother project deliveries.


In the year 2023, embracing TypeScript over JavaScript has proven to be a wise choice for web developers. Its statically-typed nature, improved code quality and refactoring capabilities, excellent IDE and tooling support, increasing industry adoption, seamless ECMAScript compatibility, and enhanced productivity through codebase documentation are compelling reasons to invest time and effort into learning TypeScript. As the development community continues to evolve, TypeScript stands tall as a futuristic language that elevates the coding experience, setting the stage for a brighter and more successful future in web development.


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Sahil Kumar



Sahil Shah

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