Anomaly Detection for Dummies: An A-Z Exploration of Techniques and Methods

Arun Prakash Asokan
5 min readJan 11, 2023


A-Z Guide for beginners in Anomaly Detection

Anomaly detection, also known as outlier detection, is the process of identifying unusual or abnormal data points within a dataset. Anomaly detection is used in a wide range of fields, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and cybersecurity, to identify patterns or events that deviate from normal behavior.

Anomaly detection can help to detect the issues before they cause a significant problem, and can help to find patterns that are not easily visible to the human eye. This could result in cost savings, increased safety, better performance, and improved decision-making. Despite the many advantages of anomaly detection, it also comes with its own set of challenges. Read my article on strategies to maximize the effectiveness of anomaly detection

In this brief article, we will be exploring a comprehensive list of concepts and techniques used in anomaly detection, from A to Z. This glossary will provide a list of pointers (all related to AD) of key concepts, techniques, and methods used in anomaly detection and will help you to select the appropriate method for your problem. Let’s SPOT the NOTs

A — Autoencoder: A neural network architecture that is trained to reconstruct input data by learning to encode and decode it. Autoencoders can be used for anomaly detection by training them on normal data and then using them to identify inputs that deviate from the learned norm.

B — Bayesian Networks: A probabilistic graphical model that represents a set of variables and their conditional dependencies. Bayesian networks can be used for anomaly detection by modeling the probability distribution of normal data and identifying data points that deviate from this distribution.

C — Clustering: A technique for grouping similar data points together based on their features or attributes. Clustering can be used for anomaly detection by identifying data points that do not belong to any cluster or are in a cluster with low density.

D — Distance-based methods: Methods for anomaly detection that use a distance metric to measure the dissimilarity between data points and a reference point or distribution.

E — Extreme Value Theory: A branch of statistics that deals with the study of extreme events or outliers. Extreme Value Theory can be used to model the probability of rare events and to identify data points that deviate from this model.

F — Fractal dimension: A method for quantifying the complexity or roughness of a dataset. Fractal dimension can be used for anomaly detection by identifying data points that have a lower fractal dimension than normal data, indicating a deviation from normal patterns.

G — Gaussian Mixture Model: A statistical model for representing a dataset as a mixture of Gaussian distributions. Gaussian Mixture Model can be used for anomaly detection by identifying data points that do not belong to any of the Gaussian distributions.

H — Histograms: A graphical representation of the distribution of a dataset, showing the frequency of data points in different ranges of values.

I — Isolation Forest: An algorithm that uses decision tree-based models to identify anomalies in data by isolating observations that deviate from normal behavior.

K— k-NN (k-nearest neighbor): A method that uses the k closest data points to an observation to classify or identify it as normal or anomalous.

K — Kernel Density Estimation (KDE): A method for estimating the probability density function of a dataset, which can be used for anomaly detection by identifying data points that have a low probability of belonging to the distribution.

L — Local Outlier Factor (LOF): A method that uses local density of data points to identify anomalies. LOF calculates the ratio of the density of a data point to the density of its nearest neighbors, identifying points with a low ratio as outliers.

M — Mahalanobis Distance: A measure of the distance between a data point and the mean of a dataset, taking into account the covariance of the dataset. Mahalanobis Distance can be used for anomaly detection by identifying data points that have a large distance from the mean.

N — Non-Parametric Methods: Methods that make no assumptions about the distribution of data and are based on the order or ranking of data points.

O — One-class SVM: A method that uses a support vector machine to learn a decision boundary around normal data and identify data points that deviate from this boundary as anomalies.

P — PCA (Principal Component Analysis): A technique for reducing the dimensionality of a dataset and identifying patterns or variations in the data. PCA can be used for anomaly detection by identifying data points that deviate from the principal components of the dataset.

Q — Quantile-based methods: Methods that use quantiles of the data distribution to identify anomalies, such as Tukey’s fences, which identify observations that fall outside of the lower and upper quartiles.

R — Random Forests: An ensemble method that creates multiple decision trees and aggregates their predictions to identify anomalies.

S — Statistical Methods: Methods that rely on statistical properties of the data, such as mean, standard deviation, and z-scores, to identify data points that deviate from normal behavior.

T — Time Series Analysis: A method for analyzing sequential data over time to identify trends, patterns and anomalies.

U — Unsupervised methods: Unsupervised methods are techniques for anomaly detection that do not require labeled data, which means that the model only needs the dataset itself to identify anomalies. These methods are useful when labeled data is not available or is too expensive to obtain. This is commonly noticed.

V — Variational Autoencoder (VAE): A neural network architecture that is trained to reconstruct input data by learning to encode and decode it, and also learn a probabilistic encoder to identify anomalies.

W — Wavelet Transform: A method that uses mathematical waveforms to analyze the frequency content of a dataset and identify patterns or anomalies.

X — XGBoost: An algorithm that uses a decision tree-based model with gradient boosting to identify anomalies.

Y — YOLO (You Only Look Once): A deep learning-based method that uses convolutional neural networks to detect anomalies in image data.

Z — Z-Score: A method that uses the mean and standard deviation of a dataset to identify data points that deviate from normal behavior by measuring their distance from the mean in terms of standard deviations

As you can see, there are many methods and techniques that can be used for anomaly detection, each one with its own strengths and weaknesses. It’s important to note that the choice of technique depends on the dataset and the problem you are trying to solve. For example, different techniques work better for different types of data, like time series or images, and for different types of anomalies, like global or local.

It’s also important to try multiple techniques and evaluate their performance, and fine-tune the parameters accordingly to get the best results. Ensemble methods, which combine the predictions of multiple models, can also be used to improve the performance of anomaly detection methods.

It’s also important to keep in mind that anomaly detection is not always a binary process, it could be a probability-based one as well. Anomalies that have lower probability of occurrence are less likely to be detected but when detected they can be of higher importance.

I hope this list of concepts and techniques gives you a good overview of the field of anomaly detection and helps you get started with developing your own anomaly detection systems.

Happy Anomaly Detection !



Arun Prakash Asokan

Passionate Data Scientist | AI Intrapreneur | Ardent Teacher | Personal Finance Enthusiast. Follow me for rich content on AI, Statistics, Tech, Personal Finance