Okay.. I get it now

Amy Gray
1 min readJul 25, 2016


So many articles and posts on the internet say write.. just write! But my question is always what about? This therefore causes me to procrastinate and can therefore be identified as my excuse.

In all honesty I seem to have an ‘excuse’ for most tasks. Only now, at 1.30am on a Monday morning, have I accepted that when people say write they literally don’t give a fuck what it is you write, you could write your thought at that moment or as I’m doing expressing a feeling.. well maybe venting would be a more fitting description. Regardless, it doesn’t need to make sense it’s just giving you a purpose. Writing gives you a purpose.

I can now officially say I achieved my goal for tonight and wrote something.. it feels kinda good.

Here’s hoping for less procrastination and more productivity in the future. Cheers.



Amy Gray

For certain I’m 26 years old. Other than that I’m stumped.. but I plan to figure the rest out.