8MenCan Monthly Update

Amy Aitman
2 min readFeb 28, 2017


Wow! Another month has flown by here at 8MenCan. Guess it’s time to give an update and since we don’t have an official site up just yet, this will have to do. Even though this is a short month, we’ve been able to get a lot done around here!

1. First, the new name is official: 8MenCan, and the rebranding, new logo and new site will be coming in the next couple of months. So excited to show you all what we’ve been working on!

2. 8MenWriting will remain as a subset of the 8Men brand. We’ve got big plans for this part of the business as well. I personally really want to help other writers — creative or copywriters and am creating some online resources for my fellow content peeps!

3. This month our business continues to grow with 4 amazing new clients and many more client meetings. It’s been so much fun to discuss strategy and to help businesses grow with smart storytelling. We’ve also been reaching out to more local partnerships as well, which is a lot of fun for the whole team!

4. We finished a few really big projects this month that we can’t wait to see get into the marketplace.

5. We helped one client boost their email marketing number to over 1000 on their list!

6. We enjoyed a few out-of-season nice weather days here in Ontario that makes us long for Spring!

Overall, it’s been another awesome month around here, with much more to come in the upcoming months! If you want to know more about how we can help you get your brand story out there, please contact me: amy.aitman4@gmail.com

I would love to hear from you! Leave a message or send me a line, Amy



Amy Aitman

Amy Aitman is the founder and chief rabble-rouser of www.8MenCan.com, a content-focused agency that helps brands tell their stories.